Founded | Founded in 1968 by Walter Wheat in or near West Garfield Park |
Affiliations |
People Nation
— c. 1981
2000 or later; |
Colors | Black, Red, Gold, and Brown |
Color usage | Black and brown 1968-1978; Black and gold 1978-present; Black and red 1978-present |
Primary ethnicities | African American |
Symbols | Black Diamond, Crescent Moon, Cane, Top Hat, Gloves, and Playboy Bunny |
Symbol usage | Number 4, black diamond 1986-present, crescent moon, cane, top hat, gloves, playboy bunny 1978-present, “solid” |
Status | Active |
A quote from the Chicago Tribune on August 19, 1994, sums it up best for the early history of the Four Corner Hustlers, “There was a time when the Four Corner Hustlers actually stood for four corners, representing a meager six square blocks on the West Side.” (Papajohn, Chicago Tribune Aug 19, 1994).
There was indeed a time back in the year 1968 that two Vice Lord teenage boys had an idea of how to protect a certain area in the West Garfield Park neighborhood from invaders from outside the area that threatened the neighborhood with drug dealing, gangbanging and violence. The idea of the Four Corner Hustlers was about one main thing, neighborhood protection, and that did not mean only protection for their members but for everyone that lived in this territory. The territory was Madison Street on the north to Jackson Boulevard on the south, and from Independence on the east to Pulaski Road on the west and all the street corners in between including Jackson and Springfield, Springfield and Adams, Springfield and Wilcox, Springfield and Monroe, Springfield and Madison, Madison and Hamlin, Monroe and Hamlin, Hamlin and Wilcox, Adams and Hamlin, Jackson and Hamlin, Pulaski and Monroe, Pulaski and Wilcox and Pulaski and Adams. That is quite a bit of territory for a brand new gang but 17 year old Walter Wheat who had just left the Unknown Vice Lords, (born April 11, 1951), and another Vice Lord named 15 year old Marvin Evans made it happen. They organized it with another Unknown Vice Lord, 15-year-old Freddie Gage, Richard “Lefthand Goodman,” and Monroe “Money” Banks and approximately 7 others. Freddie Gage would become second in command over this new organization. Within no time the Four Corner Hustlers flipped the West Garfield Park Unknown Vice Lords which pretty much closed the chapter on Unknown Vice Lord influence in West Garfield Park.
They formed a fighting gang not a drug dealing gang or a gang that destroyed their own neighborhood. Instead, they were going to beat down any gang that came in there acting destructive. This idea was all put together at Delano playground at the corner of Springfield and Wilcox. The Four Corner Hustlers had strict rules to abide by, no drug dealing, no drug using (not even Marijuana), no mugging, no burglarizing, but shop lifting and stealing from delivery trucks was fully acceptable. Any violence inflicted on rival gangs was acceptable too, shooting, stabbing, cracking skulls, whatever needed to be done to show who was running those corners was acceptable.
One gang that was on a heavy recruiting drive by 1968 was the Supreme Gangsters, a south side gang, that started their west side campaign in September of 1967 at Gladys and Keeler which was just a block or two away from the original Four Corner Hustlers. The Supreme Gangster were known drug dealers and recruited aggressively on the west side. The Supreme Gangster mainly conflicted with the Jive Fives and the Black Pimps, and both those gangs were enemies of the original Fours too. The Supreme Gangster absorbed the Pimps and Jives within no time, and this made them more powerful, and this was the beginning of a long and permanent legacy of the Gangster Disciples in the West Garfield Park community. This original settlement of the Supreme Gangsters/Gangster Disciples was part of what drove the Four Corner Hustlers to be founded to oppose this group. The Black Souls gang had spread to West Garfield Park just west of Pulaski but north of the Supreme Gangsters as they were neighbors of the Four Corner Hustlers as well. The Souls were allies for the Fours.
On February 14, 1972, Four Corner Hustlers and Unknown Vice Lord gang members attended a Valentine’s Day dance at 3906 Lexington Ave (corner of Springfield and Lexington) at the Presentation Catholic Church. The dance was an invite only situation and officer Henderson Arnold told everyone they must have a membership card to stay at the dance in the basement. 18-year-old Freddie Gage was one that did not have an invitation and Officer Arnold told him to leave, when he refused a struggle happened between the officer and Gage that resulted in Arnold’s gun firing off which caused a bullet to hit Officer Arnold in his face and neck. Afterward Four Corner Hustler Leo Walker came up with his .22 caliber derringer and started shooting at Arnold as well while Freddie Gage and Walter Wheat tackled him according to court documents. As officer Arnold tried to escape, he was being shot at. Arnold survived and needed surgery to repair the damage, he was shot three times. It was at this point in time that Frederick “King Freddie” Gage now was sentenced to do 10 years in prison for this attempted murder, and it was at this point in time that the Four Corner Hustlers were first documented; however, they were not widely known (People vs. Walker, 1975).
Even though Four Corner Hustlers were violent as could be and were heavily into robbing trucks and stores, they were not a heavily organized conglomerate with thousands of members like the Supreme Gangsters or Vice Lords. The Four Corner Hustlers remained rather small and did what they needed to do to protect their turf and to hustle and make money without resorting to destroying the neighborhood with drugs. That was the job of rivals like the Vice Lords and nearby Supreme Gangsters. The Four Corner Hustlers were well-known on the west side and legendary but they remained in the four corners of West Garfield Park in their earliest years.
December 28, 1971 article involving the Four Corner Hustlers. This is the oldest article that mentions the Fours1973 article about the conviction of Freddy Gage
In the year 1975 Walter Wheat was sent to prison for aggravated assault and other charges. He was to spend over 10 years in prison. At this point without King Wheat or King Freddie the Four Corner Hustlers began to be slowly seduced by the lull of the Heroin trade that was forbidden by Walter Wheat and Freddie Gage. Around this time the Black Souls were getting larger in number in West Garfield Park and wanted to expand their drug trade. The new Black Soul leader was Wayne “Jack Bobo” Edwards and he was looking for a new opportunity at Monroe and Pulaski. This corner was original 4CH territory but Jack Bobo was looking to make some profits, he offered to operate here respectfully as they would team up against the Vice Lords or any Supreme Gangsters that came in to the area. This was the creation of the “440+” concept that united Four Corner Hustlers and Black Souls. This was a small start for Four Corner Hustlers to be involved in the drug trade, although it was impossible for them to operate at a high level because it would fall under the radar of the imprisoned leadership.
With drug profits came expansion as Four Corner Hustlers now moved into the Austin neighborhood. During the court case of People V. Allen, police officer John Nee testified during the 1993 court proceedings against the Four Corner Hustlers that he had been watching their drug operations around Madison and Menard for 18 years (Fact source, People V. Allen). If you do the math 18 years from 1993 is 1975 which is the same year Walt Wheat went to prison and the same year the Four Corner Hustlers began linking to drug trafficking operations. At the time Austin was converting into a majority black community and was experiencing racial strife. Different Vice Lord gangs dominated Austin by then but were mostly welcoming to the Four Corner Hustlers to come settle these streets. Four Corner Hustlers became a hit with black youths of Austin and the Fours grew to very large numbers quickly. The Four Corner Hustlers would become larger in the Austin community than their original West Garfield Park territory. Just like Vice Lord groups the Four Corner Hustlers saw opportunity with the heroin trade in Austin as it was a neighborhood connected to the Eisenhower Expressway making for easy drug trafficking. Because of this Four Corner Hustlers settled heavily in south Austin near Columbus Park. Four Corner Hustler settlement didn’t stop in south Austin, eventually Fours would dominate much of central Austin and even have a good chunk of territory in northern Austin along North Ave. Four Corner Hustlers have made Austin their permanent home with an influence that has been passed down through the generations.
Four Corner Hustlers colonized a little bit of East Garfield Park and North Lawndale in 1975 but those did not become larger settlements like Austin.
In April, 1978 the People alliance was formed and the Vice Lords were one of the main organizations to put it together and in charge of what organizations get in. The Vice Lords would only allow Four Corner Hustlers into the People alliance if they joined the Vice Lord nation as a branch. This decision was difficult for leadership to make but in order gain People alliance protection the Four Corners Hustlers in prison joined the Vice Lords as they were now kind of Four Corner Hustler Vice Lords but. On the streets this did not mean that 4s were going around claiming Vice Lord, it only meant a change in colors from black and brown to black and gold and peace with Vice Lords. Four Corner Hustlers on the streets remained an independent group.
In the year 1979 the El Rukns organization on the south side of Chicago handed down sanctions upon the Black P Stones demanding they cease to existence or succumb to violence. This is when Black P Stones called upon allies from the west side. Conservative Vice Lords, Traveling Vice Lords and Insane Vice Lords were called upon from the Vice Lords as was Four Corner Hustlers. Some of the hardest and craziest of the Four Corner Hustlers were called upon the flip Black P Stones to Four Corner Hustlers or many other Stones went with Vice Lord groups. Four Corner Hustlers were invited to settle and flip Stones in South Chicago, South Shore, Roseland, Chatham and in the Altgeld Gardens projects in the Riverdale community. This is how Four Corner Hustlers came to the south side and became major permanent fixtures in these communities. Four Corner Hustlers were also invited to the Leclaire Courts projects in the Garfield Ridge community but here I do not believe they flipped Stones because Stones arrived for the first time the same year. The Fours were a big part of the Leclaire Courts until the projects were razed by 2011.
In late October of 1983 Freddie Gage was scheduled to be released from prison after his 10-year stint for attempted murder of a Chicago Police Officer on the Valentine’s day shooting in 1972. On the day before his release, he celebrated by drinking some bad moonshine that ended up killing him, he died at 29 years old. On November 1, 1983, a massive funeral service was put together for Gage which brought 5,000 people to his funeral. The funeral consisted of many members of the Vice Lords and Four Corner Hustlers and several others. There was a massive line down Chicago Ave that caused one lane of traffic to be blocked and Police needed to direct the traffic (Chicago tribune Jan 8, 1984, pg 1). This story made the first page in the Chicago Tribune, but the funny thing is they called him a Conservative Vice Lord leader and did not even mention the Four Corner Hustlers, this shows that the 4s were not quite known yet in Chicago, but that would soon change. The first of the main founders of the nation Freddie “AL Malik Hodari” Gage now was laid to rest.
In 1985 Marvin “Shorty” Evans retired from the gang life and found religion leaving just Walter Wheat and Monroe “Money” Banks as original leaders of the organization but both were in prison. In 1986 Monroe Banks was released from prison after doing time since 1975. Walter Wheat was released the same year. In the year 1986, Banks was released early out on parole. As soon as Banks hit the streets, he found the Four Corner Hustlers were selling drugs in small quantities and loving the money that came with it. Banks would show them a higher level of dealing that would make the 4s richer than ever with now the distribution of Crack Cocaine was the new business. He set up a complex drug operation and expanded Four Corner Hustler territory into the northern part of the Austin neighborhood which was the beginning of the true growth of the Four Corner Hustlers. Right away drug profits began stacking up and Monroe Banks was living up to his nickname “Money.” He also created the black diamond symbol to represent the newfound profits and the new order. This was a hell of a come up for the 4s and this led to more violent behavior as killing over profits became more common. When Walter Wheat and Monroe Banks were released at the same time Walter Wheat left it Banks because he now realized profit was a big thing for the 4s now and it was best to leave it to Banks. This did not stop Wheat from expressing his displeasure of this new crack involvement and any drug trafficking. Wheat would still have influence over the organization that some groups of 4s considered an infringement in their profits.
During the later 1980s as the Four Corner Hustlers got deeper embedded in the drug trade it led to more violent crime convictions. The future leader of the Four Corner Hustlers Angelo Roberts was one member that got caught up in a murder case alongside Four Corner Hustler co-founder Eugene Rhoiney. According to the court case of the People Vs. Rhoiney January 24th, 1988, Chicago police found the dead body of Stephen Edwards found behind a Jewel grocery store located at 3552 West Grand Avenue in the West Humboldt Park neighborhood. The man was beaten to death and tied up with torn strips of bed sheets around his face, neck hands, knees, and thighs. He had cuts dug into his chest that caused lots of bleeding; it appeared Edwards had been kidnapped and tortured. The detectives then visited Edward’s address at 3841 West Adams in the West Garfield Park neighborhood which is right in the middle of the original Four Corner Hustler territory. Edwards was living in the basement of this building and was a drug addict. The landlord was interviewed and gave permission for the police to enter the building and search the basement, they also spoke to Rhoiney. The police found evidence the murder happened in the basement as the torn rags found on Edwards matched the bed spread that Edwards slept on in the basement. Rhoiney told police that Edwards had been accused by his girlfriend Carolyn Lewis of stealing from her and she wanted him to leave her alone, that’s when she went to Rhoiney to help keep Edwards away. In another incident sometime later in the month Edwards and another man were cooking cocaine and heroin in the basement when they broke out into an argument about how much drugs each of them would get. Rhoiney and Angelo Roberts said they came downstairs to break up the fight. Rhoiney and Roberts allegedly saw Edwards hit his partner with a stool so Rhoiney hit Edwards with a lead pipe in the back of the legs and twice in the head making it into a protection type of murder. Rhoiney originally stated that Edwards left with two men in a car after the argument but later admitted he killed him but made it look accidental or justified. Forensic experts testified they found extensive evidence of repeated blows all over his body and found stab wounds in each lung. They also found evidence the man was tied up as he was beaten and stabbed. Rhoiney had said there was a party in the building, and he happened to hear the commotion downstairs and came to discipline Edwards; however, it was later confirmed there was no party that day. It then became conclusive that the murder was planned and Rhoiney was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. His violent past perhaps did not help his case because he was once convicted of murder in 1969 as well. Angelo Roberts wouldn’t cooperate when interviewed by police and he used his fifth amendment rights to not testify against Rhoiney proving that Angelo Roberts was no snitch and was loyal to the organization. Roberts also avoided charges of trying to conceal a homicide and unlawful use of a weapon. He was later suspected of shooting a police officer in 1990 but managed to dodge conviction (Source: UPI Archives October 21, 1994). The way he handled this case enhanced his reputation greatly. Eugene Rhoiney is presently still in prison serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.
These younger 4s were a new breed of killer types that followed every teaching of Monroe Banks, and they modeled after him. Banks was known to be ruthless and very serious about not letting competition get in his way, this led to increased gang wars into the very early 1990s. This also led to the death of Monroe Banks in August of 1991. According to the history Channel’s show Gangland he was shot while watching a man try to get a cat down from a tree, then a member of the Black Souls shot him dead. This murder would of course further intensify the wars with Black Soul factions.
After Monroe “Money” “AL Ghani” Banks was killed the throne was wide open and Walter Wheat was not going to step back instead he appointed his soon to be son-in-law Angelo “Lo” Roberts to be the new leader of the organization. Lo was only 21 years old but wanted to expand the Four Corner Hustlers into a super gang. Wheat was hoping the father of his grandchild would bring the 4s to a more controllable level and smooth out operations. Roberts instead brought even more expansion than ever, and this even brought a new section to the white and increasingly Hispanic neighborhood of Belmont-Cragin in the year 1991. Two Puerto Rican youths from Lockwood and Altgeld had joined the Four Corner Hustlers and asked Angelo to bless them with their own chapter in the neighborhood. Angelo granted “Mousie” and his cousin the request and Lockwood and Altgeld 4s would now become “Spanish Four Corner Hustlers.” Mouise would run these Spanish 4s until he was put in Statesville prison. The Spanish 4CHs immediately made new enemies that were not just Folks but also went at it with the Taylor Jousters and the Latin Pachucos. The Belmont-Cragin chapter that was established in 1991 caused recruitment of the Latin Kings into Belmont-Cragin to become hampered as Hispanic youths became heavily influenced by the Spanish Four Corner Hustlers. Spanish Fours arrived in other Hispanic and white neighborhoods like Hermosa and Portage Park. Belmont-Cragin and Hermosa became permanent settlements of the Spanish Four Corner Hustlers.
Four Corner Hustlers also settled in some other mostly white communities, but these Fours settled among the black population in the West Ridge and Uptown neighborhoods in 1991. In these communities the Four Corner Hustlers established smaller but permanent settlements.
Under Roberts the Four Corner Hustlers moved into the West Humboldt Park community. Four Corner Hustlers gained instant popularity and grew well into the community establishing permanent presence since 1991. Many West Humboldt Park black and Hispanic youths loved the ways preached to them about the Fours making the Fours become one of the larger gangs in West Humboldt Park.
Under Anglo Roberts’ leadership Four Corner Hustler popularity spread heavily to black youths living in the projects on the west side. Promises and large profits and shown more respect many black youths in the projects now would join the Four Corner Hustlers while Angelo Roberts was able to flip groups of other gangs, primarily Gangster Stones and Vice Lord groups, to convert to Four Corner Hustlers and establish a complex crack cocaine operation in the Henry Horner projects, Rockwell Gardens projects and Maplewood Courts projects all in the Near West Side neighborhood in 1991. The Four Corner Hustlers became one of the more powerful gangs in these buildings. When the city planned to tear down the projects the Four Corner Hustlers made future plans to establish themselves on the streets of the Near West Side after the buildings were razed in the 2000s decade and this is how Four Corner Hustlers are a permanent part of the Near West Side community even if the neighborhood has become much more expensive in recent decades.
Angelo Roberts also made the organization no longer a gang for just blacks, now all races could join up north and in the suburbs. This would of course grow the 4CH army numbering over 1,000 members in no time. Angelo also grew the organization in many other states like Atlanta, Georgia for example that still pays homage to him. Roberts set up a complex drug operation in the Rockwell Gardens housing projects and the Henry Horner Homes and was moving thousands if not millions of dollars’ worth of Crack and Heroin within these buildings. The Chicago Police clamped down on him and did a major raid on his operation which got Roberts in jail. When Roberts got out of Prison in June of 1994, he would encounter legal issues right away. It became rumored after his release that he wanted to blow up the Chicago Police District 11 police station at 3151 W. Harrison St.
It was also said that on July 25, 1994, Angelo Roberts plotted on the death of Walter Wheat. On this Monday July 25, 1994, 43-year-old Walter Wheat was sitting in a 1982 Oldsmobile Regency waiting for his friends to come back out as they were in a clothing store at the 3800 block of West Chicago Ave. As he sat there a shirtless 17-year-old Bobby Cooley rode up on the car with a 9mm pistol and fired two shots into Wheat’s back and the back of his head. The founder/leader and longtime leader behind the leaders of the Four Corner Hustlers was now killed by his own gang. By September, Cooley was apprehended and charged with another shooting as well, he is currently doing a life sentence for killing King Walter “Al Bahdee Hodari” Wheat (Chicago Tribune George Papajohn, August 19, 1994).
Roberts attempted to buy all the high-powered weapons in what he thought was a deal with drug dealers as he attempted to buy a LAWS anti-tank rocket in exchange for cash and drugs. It turned out he was trying to buy from ATF agents. Somehow there was no arrest at the scene because Roberts got suspicious and went into hiding for the rest of 1994. Authorities reported that Roberts wanted to use this weapon to blow up the District 11 Police headquarters at 3151 W. Harrison St on Chicago’s west side for revenge for interrupting his drug operations in the housing projects (Chicago Tribune Andrew Martin, January 17, 1995).
On January 16th, 1995, at 1:00 A.M. CPD found the body of Roberts at 7009 S. vernon (70th and Vernon) right near the Park Manor apartments in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood. He was found with his throat slashed in the back of a brown Chevy. No one has ever been caught in connection for the murder (Chicago Tribune Andrew Martin, January 17, 1995).
Whether or not Angelo Roberts had the intention of using the LAWS rocket on the district 11 police station is true or not, one thing for sure is Roberts had conflict with the district 11 police. His conflict with the police may have brought on his death. Some rumors say the police kidnapped Angelo and killed him. Some rumors also say that the murder of Walter Wheat seems off and that maybe Angelo did not kill him.
After the death of Angelo Roberts, Ray Longstreet took over leadership of the Four Corner Hustlers, eventually the Four Corner Hustlers would grow to have over 18,000 members. Many Four Corner Hustlers still pay homage to Angelo Roberts, Monroe Banks, and Walter Wheat. The Four Corner Hustlers would eventually grow to have over 10,000 members.

Known decks of Four Corner Hustlers past and present:
Decks of Avalon Park
79th & Avalon
Austin neighborhood Established 1975-present years
Decks of Austin
Adams & Central (Angelo 4CH)
North Ave to Division, Austin to Mason
Bloomingdale to Wabansia, Lorel to Latrobe (Hollygrove)
Hirsch to Potomac, Lavergne to Lamon
Thomas to Augusta, Lawler to Lavergne (LT)
Augusta to Iowa, Menard to Waller
Huron to Ohio, Menard to Waller (Body Snatcher 4CH)
Chicago to Huron, Parkside to Pine
Lake to West End, Austin to Mayfield
Washington to Madison, Lorel to Lotus
Madison to Adams, Austin to Mayfield
Madison to Jackson, Central to Lotus (Angelo 4CH)
Van Buren to Harrison, Central to Lotus (Trigga Town Angelo 4CH)
Washington to Quincy, Laramie to Leamington (Solid Gang)
Madison from Central to Pine (Angelo 4CH)
Wabansia & Central
Laramie & Thomas (LT)
Thomas & Lockwood (LT)
Adams & Lotus
Augusta & Austin
Bloomingdale & Lockwood
Austin & Division
Division & Cicero
Division & Lavergne
Division & Long
Division & Mayfield
Division & Parkside
Division & Pine
Filmore & Mason (The Island)
Laramie from Fulton to Maypole
Iowa & Central
Lake & Austin
Madison & Austin
Monroe & Mayfield
North Ave & Pine (Shared with Conservative Vice Lords)
Potomac & Lavergne (Shared with Imperial Insane Vice Lords)
Superior & Menard (Body Snatcher 4CH)
West End & Central
Division & Le Claire
Chicago & Lorel
Lotus & Congress
Belmont-Cragin neighborhood Established 1991-present years
Decks of Belmont-Cragin
Waveland to Addison, Lavergne to Kilpatrick (Spanish 4CH)
Diversey to Fullerton, Long to Laramie (Spanish 4CH)
Laramie to Central, Diversey to Fullerton (Spanish 4CH)
Altgeld & Lockwood (Spanish 4CH) 1991-present years
Decks of Burnside
93rd & University
Decks of Calumet Heights
93rd & Harper
87th & Crieger
Chatham neighborhood Established 1979-present years
Decks of Chatham
91st to 93rd, Cottage Grove to Dauphin (GMC D Block, Formerly the Waste Lands)
East Garfield Park neighborhood Established 1979-present years
Known decks of East Garfield Park
Lake to Washington, California to Talman
Madison & Kedzie
Garfield Ridge neighborhood Established 1979-2011
Decks of Garfield Ridge
47th & Lamon
43rd & Cicero (Leclaire Courts projects shared with Conservative Vice Lords) Established 1979-2011
Hermosa neighborhood Established 1991-present years
George to Drummond, Kenton to Kostner (Spanish 4CH) 1991-present years
Decks of Hyde Park
51st & Blackstone
Decks of Marquette Park
60th & Albany (Red Wall Street)
Near West Side neighborhood Established 1991-present years
Decks of Near West Side
Lake to Washington, Wolcott to Hermitage (Wood Block)
Jackson to Van Buren, Maplewood to Campbell, Van Buren & Maplewood (former Maplewood Courts projects)
Madison to Jackson, Campbell to Rockwell, Van Buren & Artesian (Rockwell Gardens projects)
Lake & Wood (Henry Horner projects, The Hornets, shared with Conservative Vice Lords and Renegade Vice Lords)
Fulton & Hoyne (Henry Horner projects, Balla City)
Decks of North Lawndale
Polk & Pulaski (P Town)
19th & Pulaski
Roosevelt & Kedzie
Karlov from 14th to 16th
Portage Park neighborhood Established 1991-present years
Decks of Portage Park
Addison & Cicero (Spanish Four Corner Hustlers, The Row) 1991-present years
Decks of Near North Side
North Ave & Vine (Shared with Conservative Vice Lords)
Riverdale neighborhood Established 1979-present years
Decks of Riverdale
Altgeld Gardens projects Established 1979-present years
Roseland neighborhood Established 1979-present years
Decks of Roseland
103rd to 106th, Cottage Grove to Maryland (Licksquad Risky Road)
107th & Vernon
107th & Champlain (Shared with Conservative Vice Lords)
91st & La Salle
South Chicago neighborhood Established 1979-present years
Decks of South Chicago
81st to 82nd, Paxton to Crandon (081 SG) Established 1979-present years
South Shore neighborhood Established 1979-present years
Decks of South Shore
71st to 72nd, Bennett to Jeffrey (Ghetto World)
68th to 71st, Chappell to Crandon
69th to 70th, Dorchester to Kenwood (Zoland ABM, Formerly known as Slab Side or Black Diamond City A.K.A Solid)
Stoney Island from 73rd to 74th (Rock Island, shared with Conservative Vice Lords & Black P Stones)
Uptown neighborhood Established 1991-present years
Decks of Uptown
Leland to Sunnyside, Sheridan to Clarendon (Lil 4 Mobb) 1991-present years
Windsor & Hazel (Shared with Conservative Vice Lords) 1991-present years
West Garfield Park neighborhood Established 1968-present years
Decks of West Garfield Park
Harrison to Arlington, Karlov to Pulaski (P Town)
West End to Madison, Pulaski to Hamlin Established 1968-present years
Wilcox to Jackson, Kildare to Keeler (4CGG)
Van Buren to Congress, Pulaski to Hamlin
Madison to Jackson, Pulaski to Independence (Motherland) Established 1968-present years
Adams & Keeler
West Humboldt Park neighborhood Established 1991-present years
Decks of West Humboldt Park
Division to Thomas, Keeler to Karlov
Division to Thomas, Pulaski to Springfield 1991-present years
Iowa to Chicago, Avers to Hamlin (The Ave)
Decks of West Pullman
120th to 123rd, Halsted to Green (Green Guys)
West Ridge neighborhood Established 1991-present years
Decks of West Ridge
Howard to Birchwood, Western to Bell 1991-present years
Decks of Woodlawn
Cottage Grove from 64th to 65th (Grip Side)
Bellwood Established 1980
Calumet City
Carrier Mills
Chicago Heights
East St. Louis
Ford Heights
Forest Park
Maywood Established 1980
Oak Park
Rock Island
Gary, IND