Founded | Founded in 1958 by David Barksdale, Richard Strong, Dirk Acklin, and Prince Old Timer in or near Englewood Hyde Park |
Affiliations |
Folk Nation
— c. 1979
2000 or later; |
Colors | Black, Red, and Blue |
Color usage | Black 1958-1969; Black and blue 1969-21st century; Black, blue and red - present |
Primary ethnicities | African American |
Symbols | III |
Status | Active |
Included is the story of Mickey Bull and the conquest of the Robert Taylor Homes
The Black Disciple history is indeed a fascinating history and a great story of how young pre-teen boys got together and formed an organization that would help fight against the civil rights injustices and wild gangs around them.
The Black Disciple history is indeed a fascinating history and a great story of how young pre-teen boys got together and formed an organization that would help fight against the civil rights injustices and wild gangs around them.
In the 1950s, there was a contested and growing African American community in the Englewood and northern Hyde Park areas. African Americans resided in Hyde Park in the older section of the community north of 55th Street now that the area was more affordable for struggling African American families. Many landlords purchased large mansions in the community and converted them into tenement apartments that were affordable. This upset the southern Hyde Park, mostly white, wealthier elites residing south of 55th Street. These elites had been politically fighting against African American migration into Hyde Park for decades prior. In Englewood, the community was suffering deterioration and blight as multiple buildings were crumbling and poverty set in by the 1950s. The community remained mostly white until the later 50s but more African American families were migrating to Englewood as white flight set in. Block busting practices became strong in Englewood and northern Hyde Park as real estate took advantage of many white family’s fears that their community was to become bankrupted by African American migration. This allowed landlords to buy the houses from the panicking white families and convert their old homes into tenement apartments for the poor while neglecting these properties afterward. Despirate impoverished African American and white families moved into these tenements which upset the mostly white middle class. Many white families could not afford to leave Englewood, so they stuck around and created racial clashes with African Americans. White gangs formed that were of a violent breed that were heavily opposed to African American migration. Much of the African American middle class arrived in northern Hyde Park and Englewood but soon found these communities were not welcoming or were on the verge of collapse, but it was too late, they already bought the homes.
In the year 1953, African American street gangs began to form in Englewood like the Englewood Boys and the 75th Street Brims. These gangs dealt with the worst of the racial battles. The Brims were in the far southern part of Englewood and even drifted into the neighboring Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood. I am not sure if the Brims and Englewood Boys were allies or not. I have also heard that Imperial Chaplains and Clovers, who were the biggest African American gangs on the west side were in the Englewood area during these more mid-50s years, but I cannot confirm that.
In the year 1958, construction began on the Dan Ryan Expressway which successfully uprooted a portion of Englewood, Washington Park, Roseland, Morgan Park and Fuller Park. This mainly affected the impoverished African American community in these neighborhoods all by design. Many impoverished African Americans had to move in a pinch and areas like Englewood and northern Hyde Park was all that was available and affordable. These mostly white areas became further enraged and the racial differences went full scale. This is when “Lavergne” gathered many African American youths in the Englewood and northern Hyde Park areas mostly consisting of boys between the ages of 11-13 years old alongside the Englewood Boys and 75th Street Brims who were older boys. I am not positive but it is possible Lavergne and another named Richard “Champ” Strong were possible members of the Englewood Boys or the Brims. It become decided to come together as one major force to be reckoned with to battle these racial issues but to also deal with the aggressive Egyptian Cobras that were now growing in the Englewood and Hyde Park areas. The Cobras were another African American gang that started in 1958 and were aggressively growing on the south side. The boys decided to flip through the holy bible to get ideas and that’s when it dawned on them to use the name “Disciple” in their title. The boys then added on the prefix “Devil’s” to give the name an intimidating edge to it. After that was decided the Disciples were simultaneously at 43rd Street in Kenwood and scattered throughout Englewood. A Disciples group known as the East Side Disciples was the group that started at 43rd and spread all the way south into Hyde Park to 53rd and Kimbark. 53rd and Kimbark became East Side Disciple headquarters and basically the headquarters for all city-wide Disciples, however, Englewood Disciples tended to gather at 63rd and Stewart.
Some founding members were Richard “Champ” Strong who was nominated as the first leader of the Disciples, David Barksdale, D Steele, Mingo Shread, Prince Old Timer Rob Allen, Roy “Kilroy” Dawson, Byron “Big Shoe” Coffey, Leonard Longstreet, Night Walker, Lavergne and various others. The Disciples kept their business out of the press. The Disciples established headquarters at the Hyde Park intersection of 53rd and Kimbark which became their very first stronghold. The Disciples created the symbols of the star of David, pitchfork, and devil’s tail with devil horns when they formed in 1958.
The first arch enemy of the Disciple was the “Sons of Italy” which was a white gang of greasers in Englewood and one of the more powerful south side greaser gangs. The Sons of Italy objected to the neighborhood changing from white to black and would take out frustrations on black youths. Disciples also fought with other black gangs in Englewood like the Egyptian Cobras that moved to the neighborhood from Fuller Park in 1958.
In the year 1958 Disciples made their first expansion move as they settled in the western part of the Woodlawn community west of Woodlawn Avenue as they took over about 2/3 of the Woodlawn neighborhood. The other 1/3 was Egyptian Cobra territory who became archrivals along with the original group of Blackstone Rangers. The Disciples would make this neighborhood permanently as they have maintained a heavy presence over the decades.
In the year 1958 black families began to settle in the South Shore community for the first time. This was a neighborhood that was known to have some anti-black and anti-Jewish sentiment since the 19th century. When blacks first arrived, they were met with hostility especially from white gangs. The Devil’ Disciples then migrated to this community to support the black community in their racial struggles. South Shore would become another permanent home to the Disciples for generations to come. High-ranking and/or senior members often have preferred South Shore over time. Many times, over the decades money-making big-time Disciples would buy houses here making this sacred lands for the Disciples.
In the same Year of 1958 Disciples settled in the Greater Grand Crossing and Washington Park neighborhoods. Both neighborhoods were heavy in poverty and blight and home to many impoverished families. The Disciples arrived to support the struggling black community. In these communities Disciples patrolled the streets and worked to eliminate criminal groups and wild gangs taking on a guardian role that Disciples would carry in other communities in later years. Both communities have been heavy coveted for decades and are still strongholds for Disciples.
As the years of 1958 to 1961 went by the Disciples became especially powerful in northern Englewood as white flight ran its course and more black families moved in created excellent recruiting opportunities. By 1961 the Devil’s Disciples were the most powerful gang in Englewood and the Italian greaser gangs were fighting that losing war against the Disciples. By this time the Italian greaser gangs had left Englewood.
In the year 1961, 14-year-old David Barksdale took over leadership of the Devil’s Disciples and he directly oversaw the Englewood branch of the Disciples. Barksdale appointed Mingo as President of the Disciples in Hyde Park and Kenwood that became known as “East Side Disciples.”
The Hyde Park/Kenwood chapter was at its peak around when Barksdale took over as they had members from 43rd down to 53rd between the two neighborhoods but starting in 1960 the University of Chicago backed a program to renovate southern Kenwood and northern Hyde Park by clearing out blighted buildings and renovating some of the older and salvageable homes. This action would increase the value of these neighborhoods and push impoverished black families out causing most of these families to move to Englewood. As the families began moving in the early 60s the Disciples grew stronger in Englewood and gradually a new headquarters was set up at 63rd and Stewart in the year 1963 because many homes were razed at 53rd and Kimbark in Hyde Park and the Kimbark Shopping Plaza was built over half of Disciple headquarters. The Disciples from 43rd down to 53rd moved to Englewood by 1963 further solidifying Englewood which is how GDs and BDs are so big in Englewood even up to present day.
In the same year that David Barksdale took over the Disciples Richard Strong and his family moved into the Cabrini Green public housing projects that was mostly ran by various small gangs and Egyptian Cobras. Strong developed quite a following in no time and recruited several black youths into his gang the Black Deuces which was the gang he created in Cabrini, but they were tied to the Devil’s Disciples. This is how Disciples became a large presence in the Cabrini Green area until the projects were torn down.
In the year 1964, the Disciples spread their influence further south of 79th Street as they landed in the Auburn-Gresham, Chatham, Calumet Heights, Burnside, and Roseland neighborhoods with the Roseland community being the center of this settlement. Roseland, Auburn-Gresham and Calumet Heights were struggling with uneasy racial transitioning and there was often violent conflict between whites and blacks, the Disciples came to aid the black community during these struggles. With the settlement of Roseland came the legacy of the Wild 100s GDs and BDs. These neighborhoods would became major strongholds for Disciples for decades to come to present day and it all began in 1964. Within a short amount of time Disciples ended up clashing with Blackstone Rangers that were settling in most of these communities the same year.
The Disciples also spread into the south suburbs in Harvey, Dixmoor, Phoenix, Chicago Heights, Robbins and Ford Heights communities for the same reasons as on the further south side to deal with racial conflicts that ended up turning into more of a rivalry with Blackstone Rangers that were settling in these communities as well. The Disciples would became permanent residents of these suburbs up to present day.
One may ask what I mean by racial strife. From speaking to many over time from these areas and similar white flight areas around the city it can be any or all of these behaviors:
Bullying in school – Many times white youths would pick on black students by calling them racial slurs or treating them as less equal.
Teaching staff unequal treatment for black students – Often times when white and black students would conflict or even if black students would get in trouble in other ways black students were punished harsher. Sometimes black students were even accused of issues they were not part of.
Unfair neighborhood boundaries – After restrictive covenants were banished by the Supreme Court in 1948 communities established sometimes agreed upon racial boundaries in neighborhoods where blacks could not be seen venturing into declared white areas. The problem was in these changing neighborhoods the boundaries were decided by the whites and often included all the public facilities like pools, parks, shopping areas etc…often leaving blacks no choice but to venture into these areas and face violence or taunting.
Unfair police treatment – As black residents became new in white neighborhoods, they were watched by police closer, questioned by police more frequently and questioned whenever a crime was committed without just cause. When fights between blacks and whites happened police would not arrest the whites and often brutally arrested blacks involved.
These are just some of the behaviors that black residents faced in these changing communities. This is mostly lost history because these issues were often short lived because most whites took part in white flight rapidly and the racial issues were forgotten especially as groups like the Disciples ended up focusing more on conflicts with the rival Ranger groups. It is important to understand that the original cause was conflict between black and white even if it was within less than a one year duration.
The Devil’s Disciples were the largest gang on the south side by 1965 and before, even after the Black Stone Rangers started, Rangers were not as large. The Rangers only appeared larger because they were more outspoken to media outlets.
On the date of January 6, 1966, the Disciples began recruiting gangs more instead of just focusing on recruiting just individuals. He wanted these gangs to all call themselves “Disciple” while still maintaining their original name. An example was when the Gonzatos became Gonzato Disciples when they agreed to be part of the Disciples as an alliance. The coalition expanded Disciple boundaries beyond the into the Bronzeville area. This put Disciples in the Ida B. Wells, Clarance Darrow projects, Wentworth Gardens, Stateway Gardens projects and heavily on the streets of Grand Boulvard and Douglas communities. Older gangs from these communities flipped to Disciples or attached their gangs to the Disciple name. In the Near South Side the Disciples moved into the Harold Ickes projects. This spreading of this nation did not gain much notoriety due to Disciples keeping their activity low key, therefore, you don’t read much about it in the history books. What you will read all about is how the rival Black P Stone nation spread all over the place after that nation was created in 1966 to have their own alliance.
With this great expansion and the recruitment of several gangs into the Disciple coalition came settlement in a part of Chicago south side gangs normally were not found. Disciples turned out some small gangs on the west side of Chicago primarily in the Near West Side community in and near the Henry Horner projects area and the Medical District section and possibly in the North Lawndale area. I don’t know exactly where the Disciples were at this time in 1966 but it was described to me as “pockets” of Disciples scattered around the west side. It was also said they had an “L” shaped territory out west in the 60s, but I don’t know where. These sections of Disciples were not very significant but worth mentioning because this was the beginning of BD settlement out west which we will expand upon later.
In 1966, the Disciples became heavily active in the community opening fund raisers, legitimate businesses, enforcing school policies to keep kids in school. Maybe some of that money went to illegal activities but a great deal of it went into helping the community. David Barksdale used his power for some good as can be seen. The Disciples were also tied to civil rights groups and fought against civil rights injustices. In that summer of 1966 Disciples even tried a peace treaty with the Rangers, this didn’t last but at least there was a large attempt.
In the year 1967, The Woodlawn Organization was awarded over $927,000 to be handed out to the Blackstone Rangers and the Black Disciples to operate job training centers for neighborhood youths in Woodlawn. All Disciples and Rangers involved were paid a salary to be instructors of this program despite the lack of training. Disciples received about $360,000 of this money for the program. In these programs there were both Disciple and Ranger instructors and students in these classrooms. Sometimes gang fights and shootings happened in the classes.
Black P Stones and Disciples squashed their war in May of 1968, and it lasted for days until May 8th. David Barksdale was out around 65th and Ellis in the Woodlawn area when Detectives showed up to talk to him. Barksdale told the cops that the Ellis Rebel Stones, the only Stone group in west Woodlawn, was out to kill him. He did a test and led the cops to the end of an alley and sure enough the Stones opened fire and shot at David, the Stones were then arrested but this also ended the peace treaty (Source: People Vs. McChristian) (The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation, Moore, Williams).
In the year 1968 war began between the Disciples and Supreme Gangster allied gangs especially with the Supreme Gangsters. Larry Hoover became the target for assassination attempts. He was shot on two occasions then on September 4th, 1968, a third attempt was made on him. On this day Englewood was on high alert as Disciples, Gangsters and Stones were packing guns and ready to shoot each other. At Parker High School members of the Supreme Gangsters and Disciples were especially ready to get into drama against each other. Baron Disciple member James Highsmith and Disciple co-founder Leonard Longstreet entered Parker High School even though they weren’t students. The two spotted Larry Hoover standing outside of the principal’s office and Highsmith walked past him with a smile as Longstreet shouted out “Burn him,” Highsmith pulled out a .32 pistol and shot Larry Hoover and two others nearby. No one was killed but Highsmith was convicted of the shooting and sentenced to one to five years (from source A Report on Chicago Crime by the Chicago Crime Commission).
During that fall season of 1968 the guns were blazing all over the south side as Disciples, Gangsters and Stones were at each other’s throats as bodies were dropping. This led to a temporary truce between the three organizations that didn’t last long but it was an attempt to curtail the several acts of violence on the south side. One thing to understand is that the leadership and founders did not want anymore violence and were actually friends. This was a friendship of original Black P Stones Devil’s Disciples and Supreme Gangsters. They had no control of factions that would act in self-interest and started violence with factions of the rival group starting the gang wars. The leaders and founders were not interested in war.
During this same year of 1968, Jeff Fort and the Black P Stones were raking in thousands of dollars in government grant money after projecting the public appearance as a community youth group in need of funding to help poverty. The money went to a lot of good and helped open legitimate businesses that helped young blacks but on the other side of it some of the money was used for illegal activities and this caught the attention of the F.B.I that began investigations. The same groups that granted money to the Stones also gave money to the Disciples as well. The Disciples did not stick their necks out as much for the money and received the money as a default because the gang apologists and liberal groups wanted to give money to the rivals of the Stones too. When Stones were questioned about who their worst rival is, they pointed to the Disciples and that prompted these groups to line the pockets of the Disciples as well, many of times without Disciples even asking for the money. Disciples used a lot of this money for good just like the Stones as they opened legit businesses and created programs to help black youths on the south side just like how the Vice Lords and Stones were doing; just like Vice Lords and Stones, the Disciples fell under F.B.I investigation for mismanaging those funds for illegal activities such as buying drugs and guns. The Disciples’ involvement with mismanaging these funds was not much in the newspaper because of their lower profile activities and the Disciples didn’t trust the white man and the social case workers, they practically had no choice by 1968 to deal with them after the money was practically forced on them.
By the year 1968, The Robert Taylor Homes public housing projects were ran by gangs like the Cobra Stones (Mickey Cobras). Fourteen-year-old Black Disciple Vanguard (Heavy hitter enforcer) Michael “Mickey Bull” Johnson moved into the Robert Taylor Homes in 1966 and became one of the first Disciples in these projects at the age of 12. Johnson led a conquest to take over a large piece of the buildings between 49th and State down to 53rd and State in the Grand Boulevard and Washington Park neighborhoods in 1968. His conquest against the Cobra Stones was a success and Mickey Bull put the Disciples in the Robert Taylor Homes for the first time in history, he then became the leader of all BD operations in those buildings.
In June of 1969, Larry Hoover had enough of the Stones and conferenced with David Barksdale instead. Larry Hoover’s alliance with Jeff Fort as allies for a few months had gone sour and now Hoover met with David Barksdale. The two groups established an alliance that had a title known as the Black Gangster Disciple nation. The Black Gangster Disciple nation consisted of the Gangster nation, which was the Supreme Gangsters and their Gangster allies, these Gangsters were to be led by Larry Hoover. The Disciples were now known as “Black Disciples” and this was the alliance of all the Disciple gangs led by David Barksdale. Prince Old Timer was appointed the Prince of the Disciples while “Tennesee” the Prince of the Gangsters. Again, this was still just an alliance, but it was a combined concept alliance unlike the one between the Stones and the Gangsters. All Disciple gangs and Gangster gangs were all Black Gangster Disciples.
Many Disciples and Gangsters just considered themselves “BGDs” or Black Gangster Disciples when this alliance was first established and didn’t even refer to themselves as Black Disciples or Gangsters, they fell in love with the BGD title.
In June of 1969, Vice Lords, Black P Stones and BGDs all got together to form a coalition known as the “Lords Stones and Disciples” or LSD. This was a unity of the gangs so they could march on the government and demand equal rights, better jobs and about all the oppression and poverty in their neighborhoods. This coalition effectively slowed down gang violence between these three organizations even after CVL INC went defunct in the fall of 1970. For the rest of 1969 the LSD coalition really set aside a lot of gang wars as they marched on City Hall, Universities and everywhere, until finally in January of 1970 they achieved some success in bringing about “The Chicago Plan” which was “An agreement to implement the employment of minorities in Chicago’s construction industry” (Chicago Building Trades Council, 1970). The final agreement lists 3,000 jobs or training positions in four categories. But a Coalition spokesman claimed that the actual final agreement called for 1,000 jobs in each category (Chicago Defender, January 13, 1970)” (Panagopoulos, The Role of Gangs In The Construction Of UIC). It was soon discovered in the early 1970s that the Chicago Plan was failing about not producing like it should and by October of 1973 the LSD coalition disbanded.
In the year 1969 the Disciples settled on the farther south side of Chicago as black migration into more white neighborhoods caused outrage leading the violence and harassment in these changing neighborhoods. Disciples settled in the Pullman, West Pullman, Riverdale, and Morgan Park communities. The Disciple influence became strong in these communities as their influence is still in existence with powerful decks. This is also when the Disciples arrived in the Altgeld Gardens projects especially since crime was growing and drug dealers were lurking. The Disciples came to offer protection for the Altgeld community; however, they would end up clashing the Blackstone Rangers that had arrived at the same time.
In 1969 black migration significantly increased in the Uptown community that set off racially motivated violence especially at Senn High School. This is when the Black Gangster Disciples came to Uptown in the Uptown Square area. The Disciples became a permanent fixture in the Uptown community establishing their first and largest north side territory besides Cabrini Green.

Since 1968, David Barksdale had been working with leaders of the Black P Stones on several failed peace treaties. By June of 1970, another weak peace treaty was in effect, but this was broken on June 7, 1970, when David Barksdale was shot in his side at a bar at 848 West 69th Street (69th and Peoria) in the Englewood neighborhood. The accidental shooters were Black P Stones. One of the Stones dropped a rifle, and it went off striking Barksdale. Larry Hoover was there with Barksdale when the shooting started and acted quickly after Barksdale was shot by quickly getting Barksdale into his car. Hoover then raced to St. Bernard’s Hospital in Englewood and was accredited with saving David Barksdale’s life after Barksdale suffered an M-14 bullet wound in his side that passed into his kidneys causing permanent damage.
Before the 1970s, Cabrini Green was run by various different gangs with a good number of Cobrastones and Disciples running some of the buildings or parts of buildings. In the early 1970s a bid for domination of these projects began and first caught wind in the news when two police officers were shot dead by snipers on the rooftop of one of the project buildings. There was an existing war between Black Deuces and Cobrastones that prompted police to investigate, this is how serious this war was becoming. In 1971, Richard Strong, the Cabrini Green Disciple founder, started a group called the B.L.A.C.K.S which was a civil rights group that aimed to help the people of Cabrini Green facing injustices. Eventually the B.L.A.C.K.S and the Deuces would merge together then eventually merge into the Disciples.
In the early 1970s, investigations into street gangs using government funding for illegal activities came to a close as they now had evidence to convict high ranking gang members from the Black P Stones. In 1971 top leaders of the Black P Stones were officially charged and by 1972 Jeff Fort was sentenced to 4 years in prison. The investigations didn’t stop with the Stones though, investigators went after the Vice Lords and shut down their legit businesses then they aimed their cross heirs at the Black Gangster Disciples. Authorities ended up getting Mingo to testify before the grand jury against his own organization, however, no charges were brought upon the Disciples, but government funding was cut off. Stones and Vice Lords had members testify against their own gangs too in these proceedings and caused Vice Lords and Stones to face prison time, but Mingo’s testimony failed to convict anyone, instead Mingo was severely beaten on the streets by the Disciples for snitching on his own kind. The same exact money that convicted the Stones somehow didn’t get the Disciples convicted even though both groups were technically mismanaging funds. It seemed like the government just had it out for the Stones more. Not only that. The Disciples didn’t seek out this money it was kinda forced on them as equal payment to them to not favor Stones. Disciples weren’t big with talking to the media and stayed out of the spotlight unlike the Stones, so perhaps this helped their case and kept them less of a target of the government.
In the year 1971 the Disciples began to fall into disorganization and groups of Disciples began not honoring the BGDN and even feuded with other Disciple groups. There were those that wanted to overthrow Larry Hoover and there were others that were Disciples that didn’t like the Gangsters because of the old war with the Gangsters. There were also some groups that had self-interest in mind rebelling against leadership.
A harsh conviction did come down on the BGDs in 1973. On February 26, 1973, Larry Hoover ordered the death of William “Pooky” Young, a 19-year-old drug dealer in the neighborhood that stole drugs and money from the BGDs. Andrew Howard killed him on behalf of Hoover, and it all happened at 68th and Union in the Englewood neighborhood in an alley, Young was shot 6 times in the head. On March 16 both men were arrested and charged with the murder. By November 5, 1973, Hoover and Howard were sentenced to 150 to 200 years in prison in Statesville Correctional Facility in Crest Hill Illinois.
As Larry Hoover was now sitting in prison David Barksdale’s health was declining. Since he was shot in 1970 his kidneys needed to be replaced and his brother was the donor of a kidney. David Barksdale did not live like he got a new kidney against doctor orders and now his health was declining. David Barksdale’s kidneys were slowly shutting down. David Barksdale succumbed to his illness and died on September 2nd, 1974. The fond memory would live on of King David as a positive leader that truly worked to better lives for Disciples and many people in his communities. David Barksdale was no drug dealer, he was no killer, or at least not on record he was no killer, he was barely even a criminal. He was the King of the Disciples but when you look at his old rap sheet you really couldn’t tell. David wasn’t full of money and power, and he didn’t even make money like Larry did. On record he was a small-time hustler that committed petty crimes and he had no real felonies on his record. Here is a list of crimes on record recorded on David Barksdale from a list I got from the NGCRC website written by George W. Knox.
The rap sheet begins with the arrest of David Jones, 5 May 65, for Criminal Trespass to Vehicle (dismissed by Judge Comerford). On 13 July 65 the arrest is for “resisting”, and again 28 July 65 “Resist. & Disorderly G.B.”. The case also went to Judge Comerford.
* The first twist on the real name begins on 2 December 65, “David L. Barksdale” with investigation for aggravated battery.
* The next alias (Davis Jones) comes on 31 Dec 66 for Strong Arm robbery. His gives a home address of 8407 S. Morgan.
*Arrested as Davis L. Barksdale 14 Feb 67 for investigation of Burglary, released without charge, and listed as living at 522 W. 64th St.
* Arrested then again on 26 April 67 as Donise Barksdale for assault and resisting, it was non-suited. Address given: 6452 S. Union.
* An entry on 10 Aug 67 for David L. Barksdale (6452 S. Union) indicates “Appl. Chicago Urban Oppt.”, which presumably means an anti-gang program or gang-treatment program.
* David Barksdale was arrested on 13 Sept 67 for possession of marijuana, but it was a case dismissed by Judge Wendt.
* George Walker was an alias used in the arrest on 13 Oct 67 for disorderly conduct; but again the charge was non-suited (Judge Wendt again).
* David L. Barksdale on 1 Feb 68 was arrested for resisting and disorderly conduct (Xparte $25, Judge Cerda).
* On 7 April 68 David Barksdale was arrested for curfew, but again the case was dismissed (Judge Lee).
* On 28 May 68 David L. Barksdale was arrested for aggravated assault, battery and criminal damage to property, but also dismissed (Judge Cerda).
* On 8 June 68 David Barksdale was arrested for disorderly conduct (Xparte $25 & NC, Judge Zelezinski).
* David D. Barksdale arrested 27 June 68 for mob action. Again on 3 July 68 for Agg. battery.
* Arrested 24 July 68 for warrants on the two prior arrests, receives 6 months in the “House of Corrections” (i.e., today known as Cook County Jail) by Judge Zelezinski.
* On 3 August 68 charged with criminal damage to property, but on 3 Nov 68 it is dismissed (Judge Zelezinski). Similarly, 4 August 68 charged with resisting arrest and disorderly, again dismissed (Judge Zelezinski).
* Arrested 7 Mar 69 for a battery warrant, dismissed (Judge Zelezinski). On 4 Sept 69 again for “mob action”, again dismissed (S.O.L., Judge Genesen). Arrested 14 August 69 for unlawful use of weapon, and defacing I.D., dismissed (Judge Mooney).
* Arrested 15 January 70 for intimidation, dismissed (S.O.L., Judge Hechinger).
* David Lee Barksdale arrested for resisting arrest on 7 May 70, discharged on 10 Mar 71 (Judge Genesen). Arrested 4 Sept 70 for mob action, held to the grand jury (Judge Dunne). He is indicted for Mob Action by the Grand Jury. Verdict: not guilty (Judge Aspen).
* On 9 Jan 71 arrested for defacing firearms and discharging a weapon, gets 6 months in the county jail (Judge Dunne).
* Next record entry is 12 Jan 71, for traffic court. Arrested 26 January 71 for armed robbery conspiracy, dismissed by Judge Murphy. A 21 June 71 entry for traffic court. A blank entry for 11 July 1972 in the 6th district (CB No. 3586047).
* On 18 Jan 74 John David Barksdale arrested for gambling (dice), dismissed by Judge Neal.
* Last entry, 13 Feb 74 for possession of marijuana and fictitious license plates (3 days in jail, and $100 fine, Judge Murphy).
(2004: National Gang Crime Research Center, Knox)
As you can see from this rap sheet, he was no kingpin and was more focused on the activist side of Disciple operations. Barksdale was very much feared and some even said just looking at him sent shivers up your spine. Barksdale did have a hard side, but he was also generous to those disadvantaged. He would go to the Bryn Mawr School at 74th and Chappel in the South Shore neighborhood and he would throw stacks of $1 bills to the children in the school yard in the early 1970s.
After Barksdale’s passing in 1974, he was dearly missed especially by the Gangster gangs allied with the B.G.D.N. Most of the Disciples were also very mournful and wanted to continue growing a closer unity with the Gangsters. A nasty rumor circulated that Larry Hoover thought he was rightfully due the position of King of Black Gangster Disciples causing some groups of BGDs to fight among themselves as some wanted to kill Larry Hoover because of this while other supported this and now violence brewed among groups of Disciples and Gangsters while the main Disciples and main Gangsters had to work together to stop this rumors’ damage. It was also at this time that Disciples that still held grudges against the Gangsters could make moves against Gangsters now that Barksdale had passed away. Chaos was brewing within the BGDN.
In the Robert Taylor Homes Mickey Bull was advancing in rank as a top Vanguard and was still running the buildings between 49th Street and 51st Street, especially the 5 white buildings at 51st and State and the red buildings on 49th. He was put in prison in 1973 for manslaughter charges then was released in 1975. Now by the summer of 1976 he had enough power to order deeds he needed to be done. In July 1976, Todd White had stopped in the Robert Taylors by the 4844 S. State Street building. White was not known around there and was wearing fancy clothes and drove a nice car. Mickey Bull and Thaddis Terrell saw the man and saw an opportunity to rob White. Mickey Bull approached White while Terrell walked up and put a pistol to White’s temple and told him to give them all his money. White said he had no money and Bull searched him and found nothing. Bull then grabbed the man by his necktie and dragged him across the street. White gave a wise crack saying, “I told you I didn’t have any money.” Then he twisted away and started to run. Bull was enraged because the man not only got physical and started running but also because of his wise crack, but Bull did not have to shoot White instead he told Terrell to do it, Terrell then fired one shot right through White’s chest, Mickey then said “Pop him again…..make sure he’s dead.” After the incident both Terrell and Johnson were charged with murder. Even though Bull was still on parole for the 1973 manslaughter he was only given 5 years for the murder and was back out in Robert Taylor by 1977 (Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1986).
In the year 1976 the chaos within the Black Gangster Disciples was put to halt when Dirk “Don Dirk” Aklin took back control of the chaos on the Disciple side and wrote a constitution and bylaws for the Black Disciples and Larry Hoover was able to gain control of the Gangsters once again. This was seen as the birth of the Black Disciples street gang in prison, but it was really more of a re-gaining of control by Acklin and others. Larry Hoover and Dirk Acklin were able to work together to bring back peach; however, it would not last. Shortly after Dirk Acklin organized the Black Disciples an immediate civil war began between Black Disciples and Gangsters as some Gangsters considered the new Black Disciple re-structuring as a break away from the BGDN. In the prison system BGDs and BDs were at each other’s throats with no resolve and there was basically chaos everywhere.
Mickey Bull was incarcerated again in the late 1970s. Before Bull went into prison, he managed to convince several members of the Mickey Cobras from a 49th and State Street Robert Taylor building to become Black Disciples. These Mickey Cobras were known as the “Fidel Castro Mickey Cobras.” The building that was taken was the 4844 building.
Larry Hoover showed power in Statesville prison in April of 1978 when he got together with members of the Black Gangster Disciples, Black Disciples, Black Souls, Vice Lords, El Rukns (Black P Stones), Mickey Cobras and organized a work stoppage strike against foul food that was being served to inmates making them sick. During this strike Larry Hoover also got together with leaders of several rival and allied organizations from all over the city in this prison. Now that they showed unity by assembling this work stoppage the unity was taken further or perhaps it was arranged while creating the stoppage in the first place, regardless of when exactly it happened the creation of the Folk and People alliances happened in April of 1978 stemming from this work stoppage protest. This organizing led to another big sit down with members of allied and enemy nations to discuss how to control the gang wars in the prison system. He proposed two rival coalitions that all major gangs would follow that could be controlled by negotiations between the leaders of each of these coalitions just like how the Italian Mafia organizes their gang wars between families. For Larry’s own organization and his own allies, he assembled the “Folk” alliance which united Black Gangster Disciples, Black Disciples, Ashland Vikings, Ambrose, Two Six, Satan Disciples, Maniac Latin Disciples, Spanish Cobras, Imperial Gangsters, Latin Eagles, Simon City Royals, and Insane Popes to have complete peace among each other and work together. The opposition agreed to this and assembled their own coalition called the “People” alliance. The People alliance was assembled by the El Rukns, Vice Lords and Latin Kings as they allied with Latin Counts, Bishops, Mickey Cobras, Four Corner Hustlers, Insane Unknowns, Spanish Lords, and Puerto Rican Stones. This became a very effective coalition in the prison system and drastically reduced violence between Gangsters and BDs keeping BGDN continuing.
Around this time when Folk and People was beginning the scattered settlement of BGDs on the west side of Chicago finally came into fruition when they settled in the Henry Horner projects. Gangs had always been active in the Horners but never took power and created much significant action until the late 70s and this is when BGDs become one of the Henry Horner powers. The BGDs largest west side territory was in the same neighborhood in the Medical District/ Tri-Taylor area in an area bounded by Monroe Street on the north, Congress Parkway on the south, Damen Avenue on the east and Western Avenue on the west. Despite Folk and People alliances BGDs clicked up with Traveling Vice Lords and Four Corner Hustlers in the Austin neighborhood in later years. I am not sure exactly when BGDs settled in Austin or North Lawndale at 13th and St. Louis (Nose D Mob) or at Fulton and Avers (Insane Deuce BDs). BGDs have rooted themselves heavily in their west side territory and it came into strength beginning in the late 70s.
There was solid peace between Gangsters and BDs from late 1978 until late 1979 until a flare up happened in Statesville but got patched up only to return a year later. In late 1980 another flare up began again and heightened on January 29, 1981, when an incident happened at Statesville after groups of Black Disciples became aggressive with Gangsters.
In Statesville prison unit B, Black Disciple gang member George Baily resided in this unit along with members of the Gangsters. Baily was allowed a privileged duty known as “cellhouse help” which allowed inmates to roam freely in the cell block without cuffs or escort by guards according to court documents. Black Gangster Disciple leader Earnest “Smokey” Wilson disapproved of Black Disciples being cellhouse helpers and declared that all BDs should either resign from this position or flip to becoming part of the Gangsters. Wilson even held a meeting in that unit for BGDs and BDs to attend to lay out the rules, three BDs including Baily were in attendance and two of those three BDs resigned from that position and listened to Wilson according to court documents, but Baily would not drop the position. The BDs did not like this rule that Wilson imposed and for two weeks straight they chanted “B.D. Power” every night around 8 P.M. according to court documents. Wilson then had a meeting with Dirk Acklin, who as I stated earlier was a BD leader, to express Wilson’s dissatisfaction of this revolt from the BDs, but apparently it got nowhere so Wilson picked a fist fight with Baily which got Wilson thrown in segregation. On January 29th he was returned to his unit and met with fellow BGDs to plot the murder of Baily. The BGDs obtained an aluminum bat which ended up in the hands of Fred “Bobo” Collins. Later that day Collins struck Baily in the head with the bat repeatedly which caused Baily to be hospitalized, and on February 5, 1981, Baily died according to court documents (People vs. Harris, 1988).
In the year 1981, Mickey Bull was released from prison and was given a new rank as “Bishop” which was a very high position. Jerome Freeman was also released that same year. Mickey Johnson was like a prophet that informed all Disciples that they were just Black Disciples, and it was no longer the name of the alliance and all the gangs that had been under it were only to be known as Black Disciples. All those that were Gangsters or were Disciples that represented the BGD banner for over a decade would become part of the Black Gangster Disciple gang. This is how the Gangsters ended up being the larger force on the streets because of all the many Disciple groups that loved the BGD banner. These new ways and the removal of the BGDN alliance brought great peace between BDs and BGDs in 1981 for years as the Folk alliance still bound them together and allowed them more dependence from each other.
Mickey also taught BDs the new hand sign which was the “Gates” or the three fingers, this was the new hand sign.
Mickey Johnson made sure not all of the Stateway Gardens became BGD and even convinced most of the Del Vikings to flip to BDs making the BDs have a strong presence in the Stateway Gardens, this is the story of how BDs got into the Stateway Gardens in 1981.
When the 1981 prophecies were handed down this was how the communities divided between BGD and BD:
Armour Square Wentworth Gardens projects – These Disciples were big on BGD; therefore all Disciples became Black Gangster Disciples.
Auburn-Gresham – The majority of the Disciple controlled streets were BGD or Supreme Gangster controlled and became BGD. There was still a significant group that became BD.
Back of the Yards – Any Disciple groups became BGD.
Burnside – All Disciple groups went with BGD.
Calumet Heights – All Calumet Heights Disciple groups became BGD.
Chatham – The majority of Disciple groups became BGD, but the BDs would have a significant following.
Douglas – All Disciple groups went with BGD accept the BD controlled buildings in the Stateway Gardens projects.
East Garfield Park – All Disciple groups would become BGD.
Edgewater – All Disciple groups became BGD.
Englewood – The majority if Englewood Disciples chose BGD; however, that majority was not staggering over the number of BDs as BDs would have a major following as one their largest territories in Chicago.
Grand Boulevard – although the majority of Disciple groups chose BGD the BDs would still have a large influence in this community and the majority BGD was not staggering. The BDs also had a large portion of the Robert Taylor projects.
Greater Grand Crossing – The majority of Disciple groups became BGD but it was not a large majority over the BDs as this community became a major BD stronghold.
Morgan Park – This neighborhood became equally divided between the Disciple groups going to either BGD or BD.
Near North Side – All Disciple groups in this community including Cabrini Green went with BGD.
Near South Side – All Disciple groups including Disciples in the Harold Ickes projects chose BGD.
Near West Side – The Henry Horner projects Disciple groups all followed BGD. The majority of Disciple groups in the Rockwell Gardens became BGD but there were some Disciples that became BDs. All Disciple groups on the streets outside of these two projects all turned BD.
North Lawndale – Most Disciple groups went with BGD but there was a significant group that turned BD.
Oakland – These streets and projects were more evenly distributed as Disciple groups in Ida B. Wells projects, Clarence Darrow projects and Madden projects went with either BD or BGD. The streets nearby were also more evenly divided.
Pullman – All Pullman Disciples became BGD
Riverdale – The division of Disciple groups was close to equal as Disciple groups in the Altgeld Gardens projects and the streets of Riverdale chose BGD and BD.
Rogers Park – All Disciple groups became BGD.
Roseland – The majority of the Disciple groups chose BGD but a very large portion of the Disciple groups chose BD making this neighborhood one of the larger BD neighborhoods in the city.
South Chicago – All Disciple groups chose BGD.
South Deering – All Disciple groups chose BGD.
South Shore – Most of South Shore Disciples chose BGD but the BDs would also have strong establishment.
Uptown – All Disciple groups became BGD.
Washington Heights – All of Washington Heights Disciples groups chose BGD.
Washington Park – Most Washington Park Disciple groups chose BGD but a very strong following of Disciples chose BD. The Calumet buildings all chose BD. Washington Park would become one of the BDs larger neighborhoods.
West Englewood – The majority of Disciple groups went with BGD but a good sized group chose BD.
West Garfield Park – All Disciple groups chose BGD.
West Humboldt Park – All Disciple groups went with BGD.
West Pullman – The Disciple groups would become almost even with the BGD following only being slightly higher than a BD following.
Woodlawn – The majority of Disciple groups turned BGD but the following toward BD was still significant.
In the year 1982, Mickey bull and the BDs took over the long-standing Mickey Cobra buildings near 45th and State. This was the 4555 and 4525 buildings which the Cobras held since 1962. This left the Mickey Cobras with only “The Hole” which was three buildings from 53rd and State down the 54th and State. Mickey Bull had successfully pushed the MCs south of 53rd Street.
In 1982, the wars between BGDs and BDs almost came to an end after Dirk Acklin was released from prison and disapproved of how powerful Jerome Freeman had become. Dirk then created his own group of Black Disciples to go against Freeman’s called the Asiatic Apostles and a civil war began within the BDs. As a result of this war relations between BGDs and BDs smoothed over as these two BD factions were focused on removing each other until Dirk Acklin’s BDs went back to the rest of the BDs in 1983 or 1984.
In the year 1984, Mickey Bull was promoted again to the rank of “Minister” which gave him his own “Dynasty.” Being a Minister was a very high rank that usually no one receives in the organization. Having a dynasty means you control on entire area of the city. Mickey’s dynasty was the entire south side of Chicago, anywhere from Bronzeville down to the wild 100s was controlled by Mickey. His main territory that he directly supervised daily was the Robert Taylor Homes. He held BD meetings in front of the 4950 building. Bull himself stayed at the 5041 S. Federal St in apartment 1505 with Brenda Wear. He ran that building and all the buildings around (Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1986).
In the early 1980s and mid-1980s relations between BDs and BGDs was at its best point, especially now that Folk nation rules and regulations reached the streets, now both gangs would often team up against rivals like Vice Lords, Black P Stones, and Mickey Cobras. The Crack Cocaine epidemic of the late 1980s caused relations between the two gangs to completely break down, mainly because of the Crack trade in the Englewood neighborhood. Beginning in the year 1987, fierce competition and intense gang wars erupted in the high-rise public housing projects city-wide. Gangs began muscling in on these buildings and began setting up their own security as they walked through the hallways armed with automatic weapons and shotguns as they patted down residents and imposed curfews, the competition was fierce. They even controlled the elevators in the projects and would jump down the shafts and hitch rides up and down.

The Englewood neighborhood is Chicago’s most violent and most impoverished neighborhood and just like the high-rise housing projects, the Englewood community became a hotbed for Crack Cocaine users which made distribution a large money-making commodity. The BDs had a long-rooted history in the Englewood community as the largest piece of their story started on these streets and they felt ownership of this neighborhood. Black P Stones and Mickey Cobras were never welcomed by BDs in this neighborhood, but now the BDs biggest allies the Black Gangster Disciples were muscling in on too many BD drug spots because BGDs felt they were entitled due to being the larger organization and sitting at the top of the Folk Nation alliance. BDs felt disrespected from their BGD brethren. By 1989 the tempers began to flare. Jerome Freeman ended up back in prison with a 28-year sentence for felony drug charges in 1989 and soon after all hell was about to break loose on the streets of Englewood. This was the beginning of severe conflict between BDs and BGDs.
In the hot summer of 1991, some GDs were ready for war with the BDs, but Mickey Bull was holding relations tight between the two organizations, and this was a threat to GDs that did not want to be controlled this way. Bull was not expecting GDs to come after him because there was no full-fledged war yet, he was also untouchable, and many BDs and GDs feared and respected him. Mickey was mild mannered and charming, but he would also have no tolerance for those that crossed him. When he walked the streets, he had a special whistle that BDs knew. When Mickey whistled it meant he was summoning some soldiers for business. It didn’t matter what you were doing; if you were lying in bed with the flu, if you were lying in bed with your girl, if you were taking a shit, it didn’t matter, you had to stop everything and rush outside to Mickey when he whistled. He had this kind of power and enemies could not touch him because he could see it coming, but in August of 1991, he never expected GDs to come at him and that is what happened. Members of the Gangster Disciples shot him dead on the streets which caused an immediate violent backlash from the BDs that became legendary. Payback had to be harsh for this and on August the 7th Englewood was a war zone.
By August of 1991, during one of the hottest and driest summers in Chicago history the feuding between GDs and BDs was taken to a new level because of the death of Mickey Bull. On August 7, 1991, the Black Disciples murdered three members of the Gangsters Disciples in cold blood on that hot August Wednesday night. The murders were done out of a taxicab, yes a taxi cab the BDs actually shot them from a taxi cab which is one of the craziest ways a gang could do a hit on someone. The problems all started that day at 66th and Peoria at the apartments at 6556 S. Peoria st (now torn down) when “Tojo” a Black Disciple came pulling up in the afternoon and taunted three Gangsters Disciples members by throwing up the BD gang sign. One of the GDs Kevin Gibbs threw up a sign and shouted “BDK” and Tojo said “GDK,” then someone inside the building shot at Tojo and he started to drive off but stopped real quick to say he would be back later. Later that night at 11:00 P.M. the Gangsters Disciples were back out there selling drugs on that corner when a red and white taxicab drove up with a red Lebaron. Both vehicles then stopped and one of the windows on the taxicab rolled down and a barrel of a gun appeared as the shooting suddenly started. All three Gangsters Disciples were shot but two of them survived while the other died. A little while later at 618 West 71st Street out in front of a submarine sandwich shop (71st and Lowe, now a vacant lot, buildings torn down since then) another shooting happened in which three Gangsters Disciples were shot again, two of them ended up dying at that corner. The taxicab was apparently stolen to be used in this shooting perhaps as a diversion, after all who would expect a taxi to pull up and start shooting at you?
Between 1991 and 1994, the southside of Chicago was in a state of intense warfare between GDs and BDs. Gang members from both gangs basically said you couldn’t go anywhere during that time. It was not until 1994 when Marvell Thompson stepped in after he was cleared on a murder charge that the violence between GDs and BDs settled down for a short time but in 1994 the war became permanent between GDs and BDs as Black Gangster Disciples were now officially known as Gangster Disciples.
As the 1990s progressed more and more Gangsters Disciple gang members flipped to Black Disciples. A lot of this flipping was driven by Black Disciple drug dealing factions offering lower taxes on drug profits than the GDs.
These new members were young and eager like Robert Sandifer “Yummy.” Yummy was a young 11-year-old fresh new recruit to the BDs in 1994. Yummy was a kid that used to steal cars and break into houses since he was 8 years old. Law enforcement could not put him in juvenile detention because he was too young, and he could not go to anymore foster homes because he was too violent. In August 1994 the Black Disciples had him kill some rival GDs. Yummy blasted a 9mm pistol into a crowd of kids and accidentally killed young 14-year-old Shavon Dean. The murder brought a lot of public outcry and attention to the Black Disciples. The BDs feared that this young of a member would snitch if he were caught by the police. Yummy’s 14- and 16-year-old brothers lured him to a viaduct underpass, had him get on his knees then pumped two bullets in the back of his head. The two brothers were then convicted of the murder and a lot of attention ended up on the Black Disciples over this issue for a few years to come despite the BD leader’s attempt to cover this up.

In January 1996, Gangster Disciple Governor Chuck “Big Chuck” Dorsey was shot and killed on the streets. After this happened the GDs and BDs had a meeting at 38th and Cottage Grove in the Bronzeville area. GDs and BDs were allies at 38th and Ellis and all around the Ida B. Wells and Madden Park projects area. The death of Chuck could have brought more war in these sections and at the “Low End” located at 46th and Evans (5th Ward) in Grand Boulevard. At the meeting Rimrod threw down the pitchfork to disrespect GDs but there was no violence. Instead of violence many GDs flipped to BDs at the Low End and in the projects making BD numbers stronger. Rimrod was killed shortly after the meeting along with other high-ranking BDs but the BDs had grown stronger at these locations.
The BDs grew incredibly in the 1990s and 2000s decade as they climbed up to becoming one of the top 10 largest gangs in Chicagoland with members in other states and scattered all over the suburbs. Violent gang wars erupted in the Robert Taylor and Stateway Gardens projects as gun fire echoed day and night mainly between BDs and GDs. Both gangs exercised majority control of both public housing high rise complexes and other gangs had a very small piece of these buildings; therefore, the BDs and GDs were each other’s biggest competition in these projects. The BDs showed their muscle against the larger enemy and showed relentless pursuit of violence against their foes which gained them a massive reputation, causing many starry eyes young black youths to want to join the gang as they grew to over 6,000 members.
In 1991, the Black Disciples took over the 16 story high rise Randolph Tower housing authority complex located in the Washington Park neighborhood which was located at 6217 S. Calumet Avenue (63rd and Calumet). This large building the BDs nicknamed “The Castle” where they set up a complex $45,000 a day to as much as $300,000 a day Crack Cocaine and heroin operation in this tower. The Tower was run by Marvel Thompson and residents and anyone were searched at the front door by armed BD guards with automatic weapons and shotguns. This operation was incredibly complex as money from drug profits was even laundered and invested into an Atlanta nightclub, apartment buildings and even into the rap label M.O.B. Black Disciple snipers were posted on the roof of the buildings equipped with high powered and complex sniper rifles while they wore night vision goggles at night so they could spot enemy gang members and pick them off. The building was not friendly to police officers, and Chicago police stayed away especially after one incident where an undercover officer entered the building, and as he was patted down a bullet proof vest was discovered, as he tried to run a BD pulled out his pistol and shot the officer in the back, but the officer survived. The BDs even became so bold that they hijacked the WCFL 104.7 radio frequency that was a frequency owned by a Christian radio station in the suburb of Morris, once you arrived in Chicago city limits the frequency was playing gangster rap music that was described by the Chicago Tribune article I got all this info from as having lots of foul language. The frequency owners were shocked when they drove to Midway Airport and the music suddenly took over. The frequency was also said to be used to communicate with The Tower to alert the gang of any possible threats coming (Chicago tribune David Heinzmann and Todd Lighty, May 14, 2004). In 2004 a massive raid by the police swept through this complex as several members were arrested, in the aftermath it was decided the best way to stop the dealings at this complex was to tear the complex down and in 2004 the buildings were razed. The Tower was the largest drug operation the Black Disciples had ever ran but the gang would continue to grow and open new ventures regardless.
In the 2000s decade as the Robert Taylor buildings were being torn down the BDs expanded and were eventually running territory from 43rd down to 49th and State. This brought the BDs a lot of extra profits before the buildings all came down by 2006. The BDs also took over the 5th Ward and New Town from the GDs in the 2000s.
The Black Disciples have grown to over 6,000 members. In 2005 Jerome “Shorty” Freeman was released from prison after being put away for 16 years. In 2011 Shorty died of health issues at the age of 60.
Please send in 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s pics!
Known Decks of the Black Disciples past and present
Ashburn neighborhood 2000s-present years
Sections of Ashburn
79th & Homan (Shared with Gangster Disciples) 2000s-present years
Auburn Gresham neighborhood Established 1964-present years
Decks of Auburn Gresham
Morgan from 78th to 80th (ATM BussGang Trey Town)
85th to 87th, Morgan to Sangamon (Mike City)
Decks of Beverly
99th & Malta (Shared with Gangster Disciples)
Chatham neighborhood Established 1964-present years
Decks of Chatham
79th to 80th, Drexel to Ingleside (Drill City)
81st to 83rd, Ingleside to Cottage Grove (Whiz City Brain Dead)
83rd & Ellis
Douglas neighborhood Established 1966-2007
Decks of Douglas
37th & Federal (Stateville, Stateway Gardens projects)
Englewood neighborhood Established 1958-present years
Decks of Englewood
59th & Normal
61st to 62nd, Wallace to Stewart (Tay Town 300, formerly known as E-Town)
64th to 66th, Peoria to Halsted (AMG MacBlock HBE)
65th to 66th, Lowe to Union (Lowelife)
63rd to 65th, Parnell to Normal (Lamron 300)
68th to 70th, Halsted to Union (ShawnMoney HBE)
71st to 73rd, Green to Halsted (Dogpound HBE)
71st to 72nd, Parnell to Eggleston (Dipset Tygang)
67th & Lowe
57th to 59th, Morgan to Lowe (Shorteyville, D-City)
57th from Morgan to Racine (BD Ave)
59th & Racine (9-Ball)
65th & Morgan
Kenwood neighborhood Established 1958-present years
Decks of Kenwood
45th to 46th, Greenwood to Woodlawn (THF)
49th & Dorchester Established 1958 as Devil’s Disciples until the 1960s
47th Street Established 1958 as Devil’s Disciples until the 1960s
Grand Boulevard neighborhood Established 1966-present years
Decks of Grand Boulevard
47th to 49th, Vincennes to St. Lawrence (Hitzsquad)
45th to 46th, Forrestville to Champlain (5th ward)
49th from Federal to State (Robert Taylor projects) Established 1966
43rd from Federal to State (Robert Taylor projects) Established 1998-2006
45th & Federal (Robert Taylor projects, House of Pain, Shortyville)
Wabash from 45th to 47th (New Jack City)
47th & Michigan
48th & State (Robert Taylor projects, 3rd World)
Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood Established 1958 as Devil’s Disciples
Decks of Greater Grand Crossing
63rd to 66th, Calumet to Martin Luther King Dr (O-Block, Parkway Gardens projects)
67th to 68th, Wabash to Michigan (DOD Dre Gang)
70th to 72nd, Wabash to State (Bashville)
70th to 72nd, Martin Luther King Dr to Prairie (400 East)
77th to 79th, Martin Luther King Dr to Eberhart (MTV Bblock)
Greenwood from 76th to 78th (HittCity)
79th from State to Cottage Grove (Lon City)
79th & Morgan
79th & Ellis
79th & Woodlawn
Hyde Park neighborhood Established 1958-1963
Decks of Hyde Park
53rd & Kimbark (Original headquarters, East Side Disciples) 1958-1963
Decks of Marquette Park
63rd to 65th, Mozart to Fairfield (BSC GunnHead)
69th to 70th, California to Talman (FaceWorld Bogus Bogus)
Morgan Park neighborhood Established 1969-present years
Decks of Morgan Park
111th & Vincennes
108th Pl & Church
111th to 115th, Ashland to Racine (Ada Park)
Decks of Near West Side
Adams to Jackson, Leavitt to Damen (Damen Courts apartments)
Madison & Rockwell (Rockwell Gardens projects)
Decks of North Lawndale
18th to 21st, Karlov to Pulaski
Oakland neighborhood Established 1966-present years
Decks of Oakland
37th to 39th, Vincennes to Cottage Grove (OBN)
Ida B Wells projects Established 1966
Clarence Darrow projects Established 1966
37th to 39th, Ellis to Cottage Grove (Madden Park projects)
37th & Ellis (New Town)
Riverdale neighborhood Established 1969-present years
Decks of Riverdale
132nd & Doty, Greenwood from 132nd to 133rd (AMG)
133rd & Corliss (Altgeld Gardens projects, Block 7)
134th & Vernon
132nd to 134th, Martin Luther King Drive to Indiana (Gooly Gang)
130th to 131st, Martin Luther King Drive to Indiana (Concordia BDs, Concordia Apartments)
Rogers Park neighborhood 2010s-present years
Decks of Rogers Park
Howard & Ashland 2010s-present years
Roseland neighborhood Established as Devils Disciples 1964-present years
Decks of Roseland
100th to 101st, State to Michigan (Main City)
104th to 105th, Wallace to Parnell (4 Block Chill City)
109th to 111st, Stewart to Wentworth (PTC Wentworth Mob)
109th to 111st, Wentworth to State (RMG Dirty Perry Wentworth Mob)
110th to 111th, Michigan to Edbrooke (Darkside Scoblock)
107th to 109th, Edbrooke to Prairie (Dblock)
99th & Yale
107th & Perry (Dirty Perry)
South Deering neighborhood 2010s-present years
Decks of South Deering
107th & Bensley (shared with Gangster Disciples) 2010s-present years
South Shore neighborhood Established 1958-present years
Decks of South Shore
69th to 71st, Dante to Stoney Island (Will City)
73rd to 74th, Ridgeland to East End (Ridgetown)
65th & Stoney Island (Shared with Black P Stones)
71st & East End
79th & Ridgeland
Washington Park neighborhood Established as Devil’s Disciples 1958-present years
Decks of Washington Park
54th to 55th, Indiana to Prairie (Black Gate)
59th to 60th, Indiana to Martin Luther King Dr (600 Steve Drive)
61st to 63rd, Indiana to Martin Luther King Dr (Front Street, formerly known as Murder Drive)
61st & Wabash
Calumet from 61st to 63rd (Calumet Building, Randolph Towers, The Castle) Established 1991-2004
West Englewood neighborhood Established as Devil’s Disciples 1964-present years
Decks of West Englewood
67th to 69th, Hamilton to Hoyne (6 Ward BGC LowBlock)
59th & Elizabeth
59th & Hermitage
65th & Wood
69th & Marshfield
71st & Racine (The Valley)
57th from Racine to Elizabeth (BD Ave)
63rd & Hamilton (Dark Side)
71st & Paulina
71st & Parnell
West Pullman neighborhood Established 1969-present years
Decks of West Pullman
123rd to 125th, Halsted to Wallace (Triggatown Hoollies)
119th to 121st, Perry to State (Buff City)
112th to 115th, Loomis to Aberdeen (Ada Park)
116th & Union (Rag Town)
118th & Peoria (Rag Town)
119th & Lafayette
117th & Princeton
Lowe from 123rd to 126th
122nd & Union
Union from 125th to 126th
116th & Emerald
Woodlawn neighborhood Established as Devil’s Disciples 1958-present years
Decks of Woodlawn
66th to 67th, Champlain to Evans (Chrisworld)
64th to 65th, Maryland to Cottage Grove (TYMB)
60th & Rhodes
Calumet City
Chicago Heights
Gary, IND
Hammond, IND