Disciple Nation and B.P.S.N to Maniacs and Insanes, the street gang alliances of Chi-Town.
Jane Addams
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | ? – ? |
Allied gangs |
Imperial Gangsters —
or later
Simon City Royals — c. – or later Insane Popes (North side) — c. – or later Harrison Gents — c. – or later Latin Eagles — c. – or later |
Black Disciple Nation
Symbols | Pitchfork, Devil Horns, and Devil Tail |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs | Give info |
In the year 1966, David Barksdale, the leader of the Devil’s Disciples/Black Disciples street gang got together with several leaders of African American street gangs on the south side of Chicago and drew up an alliance to fight off the rival Vice Lords and Black P Stones gangs. In 1969, the B.D.N more or less ended when the Black Gangster Disciple Nation alliance was formed and all Disciple gangs merged into one.
Black Gangster Disciple Nation
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs | Give info |
In June of 1969, David Barksdale and Larry Hoover called a truce between the Gangster nation and Black Disciple nation. The two men created an alliance that combined both both of their concepts, this alliance became known as the “Black Gangster Disciples.” This was just an alliance and was not a merger. Each men ruled their own nations separately and ruled the B.G.D.N as equal “Kings.”
In the year 1981 in the prison system, B.G.D.N went defunct as the “Black Disciples” organization was established. In 1981, the Black Disciples was established on the streets while all others from the B.G.D.N chose to become “Black Gangster Disciples.” The Black Gangster Disciples used the name to name their organization and the B.G.D.N alliance went officially extinct in 1981.
Black P Stone Nation
Symbols | Pyramid |
Symbol usage | Pyramid with 21 bricks |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs | Give info |
In the year 1966, Black Stone Ranger leader Eugene Hairston established an alliance with 20 other African American street gangs to combat the recently formed Black Disciple Nation. This alliance was replaced by the El Rukns in 1976.
Folk Nation
Symbols | 6 Point Star |
Active period | – ? |
Allied gangs |
Ambrose —
or later
Brazers — c. – or later Harrison Gents — – or later Krazy Get Down Boys — – or later Latin Eagles — c. – or later Simon City Royals — c. – or later Black Disciples — c. – or later Gangster Disciples — c. – or later Party People — c. – or later Two Six — c. – or later Ashland Vikings — c. – or later C-Notes — c. – or later Insane Campbell Boys — – or later Insane Dragons — c. – ? Satan Disciples — c. – or later Latin Dragons — – or later Latin Jivers — c. – or later Orquestra Albany — – or later Insane Popes (North side) — c. – or later Spanish Cobras — c. – or later Two Two Boys — c. – or later King Cobras — c. – ? La Raza — c. – or later Latin Lovers — c. – or later Latin Souls — c. – or later Latin Stylers — c. – or later Maniac Latin Disciples — c. – or later Milwaukee Kings — c. – or later Sin City Boys — c. – or later Spanish Gangster Disciples — c. – or later YLO Cobras — c. – or later YLO Disciples — c. – or later Imperial Gangsters — c. – or later Maniac Campbell Boys — c. – or later — – or later Racine Boys — c. – ? Two Ones (Folks, 21st&Leavitt) — c. – ? Morgan Boys 18th Street (Folks) — c. – or later Paulina Barry Community — c. – ? Ridgeway Lords — c. – ? Unknown Assassins — – ? — c. – or later Insane Guess Boys — c. – or later Boss Pimps — c. – or later Albanian Gangsters — c. – ? Very Mellow People — ? – ? Allport Lovers — ? – or later Lynchmen Sercaun Gangsters — c. – or later Insane Majestics — c. – or later |
In April 1978, Black Gangster Disciple leader Larry Hoover organized a work stoppage among prisoners in Stateville prison. The reason for the stoppage was prisoners being served rotten food and overall being treated poorly. Most prisoners agreed with Larry Hoover even rivals of the Black Gangster Disciples were on board. In the aftermath, the gangs that were allied or had no animosity with Larry Hoover, the Black Gangster Disciples or their allies began hanging out in prison and gathering. This turned into a brotherhood in 1978 behind bars.
In the year 1979, this casual coalition tightened up and a name was given for this coming together. The name of it was the idea of the Simon City Royals to be called “Folks.” Any gang in this brotherhood was referred to as “Folks.”
In the year 1980, the Folks became official behind bars and structure was established. This leaked out into the streets and the term “Folks” was mentioned on the streets in small circles.
In the year 1980, Imperial Gangster leader Ronnie “Mad Dog” Carrasquillo and Maniac Latin Disciple Victor “King Vic” Gomez drew up the “Spanish Gangster Disciple” concepts in prison which governed all the Hispanic gangs that were allied with Larry Hoover’s allies. This governing was approved and oversaw by Larry Hoover. This was also the year that Simon City Royals and Black Gangster Disciples held a meeting in the Grand Boulevard community to discuss a further alliance. This was more of the process of establishing the Folk alliance as official.
In the year 1981, Michael “Mickey Bull” Johnson of the Black Disciples and Richard “Cold Black” Dordies of the Black Gangster Disciples were released from prison that year. Both men preached of the difference between Black Disciple and Black Gangster Disciple and divided the public housing projects between both gangs. They also gave the streets Folk knowledge and all gangs that joined Folk, Hispanic, white, and black all now knew they were Folks on the streets. Key Maniac Latin Disciple members were released in 1981 that also spread the knowledge of Folks.
In the year 1981, Folk and People nation bylaws were enforced on the streets and symbols and fashion trends were made official. The Folk nation represented the right-handed side while the People nation represented the left-handed side.
The Folk alliance was very tight in the Illinois prison system in the 1980s into the 1990s as several pictures could be seen as evidence of top Chicago gang leaders were posed together multiple times. Folks became like brothers to each other.
The alliances became very strong on the streets in the mid-1980s but by the late 1980s the alliances were getting harder to maintain. By the late 1990s into the 21st century Folk and People almost vanished from the streets.
Below is a complete list that I know of for the organizations that joined Folks in 1979:
Ashland Vikings
Black Disciples (became a separate group on the streets in 1981)
Black Gangster Disciples (now known as Gangster Disciples)
Black Gangsters (now known today as New Breeds, only while incarcerated since the early 1990s)
Black Souls (only when incarcerated)
Dragons (now known today as Insane Dragons)
Harrison Gents
Imperial Gangsters
Insane Popes (north side group)
King Cobras
Kool Gang
Latin Eagles
Latin Jivers (no incarcerated members in 1978 but joined on the streets upon formation)
Latin Lovers
Latin Souls
Latin Stylers
Lychmen Sercaun Gangsters
Maniac Latin Disciples
Milwaukee Kings
Orquestra Albany
Paulina Barry Community
Ridgeway Lords
Saints (only while incarcerated and only until the late 1980s)
Satan Disciples
Simon City Royals
Sin City Boys
Spanish Chancellors (Only while incarcerated)
Spanish Cobras
Two Six
Two Two Boys

Gangster Nation
Symbols | Winged Heart and 3 Point Crown |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs | Give info |
In the year 1966, Larry Hoover the leader of the Supreme Gangsters, created an alliance among several south side black gangs to combat the rival Black P Stones. The alliance lasted until January of 1981 when the Black Gangster Disciples became an official gang.
Gaylords, C-Notes, Gents
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs |
Gaylords —
C-Notes — c. – c. |
In the year 1964, The primarily Italian greaser gangs in the West Town area such as: Gaylords, C-Notes and Lazy Gents squashed their differences after they saw an immediate rise of Puerto Rican gangs around them. The creation of the Latin Kings became perceived threat to the West Town area. The Italian gangs were also having lots of issues with Polish, Irish and German gangs like Playboys, Ventures and Pulaski Park, therefore, a unity was created to fight against common adversaries.
In the year 1969 the alliance was taken a step further when Gaylords, C-Notes and Lazy Gents made the alliance official known as G.C.G or Gaylords, C-Notes and Gents. At this same time the G.C.G was able to draw up a truce with the P.V.P alliance although that was unnamed until 1971.
In 1971 the G.C.G was replaced for the most part by the W.P.O or White Power Organization when all north side white gangs brought about a cease fire so they could focus on the growing black and Puerto Rican gangs growing on the north side.
To symbolize this alliance each of the three gangs wore three stripes on the left arm of their sweaters. The C-Notes had three green stripes. The Gaylords had three blue stripes and the Lazy Gents had three purple stripes.
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | ? – ? |
Allied gangs |
Black Souls —
? –
New Breeds — ? – ? Tall Arabian Posse — ? – ? |
Not Folks or People
Insane (North Side)
Symbols | Diamond and 3 Dots |
Symbol usage | Diamond with three dots |
Active period | – ? |
Allied gangs |
Harrison Gents —
Latin Jivers — – or later Insane Campbell Boys — – ? Spanish Cobras — c. – or later YLO Cobras — c. – or later C-Notes — c. – or later Ashland Vikings — c. – or later Latin Lovers — – or later Cullerton Deuces — c. – or later Insane Deuces — – or later Insane Dragons — c. – or later Orquestra Albany — c. – or later King Cobras — c. – or later |
The “Insane” moniker was invented in the year 1975 by Richard “King Cobra” Medina shortly after he first colonized the Spanish Cobras into the East Humboldt Park area. The moniker was not heavily in use and most of the time Spanish Cobras just tagged on the walls without the “Insane.”
In the year 1979, Insane developed a deeper meaning when some mild disagreements began happening between Spanish Cobras and Latin Disciples. This was not a violent disagreement but instead an agreement to separate within the YLO alliance that bound them together. The establishment of the Insanes and Maniacs in 1979 meant that all gangs very close to either organization became Maniacs or Insanes, however, no one tagged it on the walls or really represented it, it was just there just not spoken of. For the most part relations between Maniacs and Insanes was very peaceful throughout the 1980s with just some minor eruptions here and there.
In the year 1987, Maniacs and Insanes began to have more conflict mainly just Spanish Cobras and Latin Disciples. These were just very petty squabbles that older members would come in and squash right away, no serious conflicts though.
In the year 1992, the conflict frequency and severity increased yet again and now it became time for the north side Hispanic Folk nations to agree to disagree. As I said Maniac and Insane was nothing new, it was implemented in 1979 but no one represented it to the fullest not even the nations that created it, but now these alliances were made official and would be tagged on the wall and represented before your own nation. The Spanish Cobras became the Insane Spanish Cobras and their closest allies at the time would take on the same first name. There was Insane YLO Cobras, Insane Dragons, Insane Deuces, Insane Harrison Gents, Insane Ashland Vikings and Insane Campbell Boys. This meant that all gangs bound to Insane had to be prepared to help other Insane organizations take up arms against Maniacs and any others not aligned with Insane.
Between the years 1992 and 1994 flare ups and temporary wars continued but could be smoothed over as before, however, the time period between peaceful periods became much shorter and hard feelings settled in more. In many areas Insanes, Maniacs and Almighties didn’t even hang out with each other anymore.
In 1994, the Spanish Cobras gunned down a member of the Maniac Latin Disciples which caused a temporary war and further strained the relationship between Maniacs and Insanes to the point where they hated each other, however, permanent war was not yet unleashed.
In the year 1995, Ashland Vikings and Harrison Gents had a nasty feud that couldn’t be controlled, the Harrison Gents ended up leaving the Insanes and switched alliances to the Almighty alliance becoming the Almighty Harrison Gents. The Latin Lovers and Latin Jivers switched alliances to Insane while C-Notes joined the Insanes for the first time.
In 1996, after the Valentine’s day shootings between the Maniac Latin Disciples and Spanish Cobras the feelings grew increasingly hardened between Insanes and Maniacs to the point it was a miracle they were still not in full scale permanent war yet, however, the back and forth violent and frequency made it seem like there was no peace. At this point periods of peace were far less frequent and weak than periods of war.
In 1997, the war became permanent after more murders occurred. There was one last attempt at peace in 1999 but after Maniac Latin Disciples started shooting their own members at a peaceful meetup there were no more attempts at peace and Insanes and Maniacs and Almighties hate each other as much as People Nation gangs.
Insane (South Side)
Symbols | Pitchfork |
Active period | – ? |
Allied gangs |
Satan Disciples —
or later
City Knights — – or later Insane Majestics — – or later Two Two Boys — c. – c. |
This “Insane” group is not to be confused with the “Insanes” of the north side headed by the Spanish Cobras. This Insane alliance is older than the Spanish Cobra alliance. It has existed since 1978 shortly after Two Two Boys formed and when the Folk and People alliances were created. The Two Two Boys had an immediate alliance with the Satan Disciples and Two Six because Two Two Boy founders were family with Satan Disciples from 24th and Washtenaw and some Two Six. The Satan Disciples created the Insane alliance and it bound the Two Two Boys, Two Six and SDs together as official allies. The Two Two Boys and Satan Disciples took it a step further and became “Gangster Insanes.”
In the year 1986 when Two Two Boys went to war with Two Six, Two Six left the alliance and just became “Gangster” Two Six.
In the year 1992, the Two Two Boys were now at war with Satan Disciples but Two Two Boys kept the Insane moniker.
In 1992, the SDs added the Majestic Party Crew into this alliance and the Majestics were renamed the “Insane Majestics.” In 1989, the City Knights became Insane too. City Knights would go be “Insane Gangster.”
Symbols | Pitchfork |
Active period | – ? |
Allied gangs |
Maniac Latin Disciples —
or later
YLO Disciples — c. – or later Maniac Campbell Boys — c. – or later Latin Stylers — c. – or later Latin Jivers — c. – or later Milwaukee Kings — c. – c. Latin Lovers — c. – c. |
The “Maniac” moniker was invented in the year 1973 when Latin Disciple gang member Pete “The Burner” Correa was on trial and screamed out that he’s a “Maniac” in the courtroom. After this the Latin Disciples adopted the “Maniac” as a title for senior members who were known as “Maniac Latin Disciples,” while the younger members were just known as Latin Disciples.
In the year 1979, Maniac developed a deeper meaning when some mild disagreements began happening between Spanish Cobras and Latin Disciples. This was not a violent disagreement but instead an agreement to separate within the YLO alliance that bound them together. The establishment of the Insanes and Maniacs in 1979 meant that all gangs very close to either organization became Maniacs or Insanes, however, no one tagged it on the walls or really represented it, it was just there just not spoken of. For the most part relations between Maniacs and Insanes was very peaceful throughout the 1980s with just some minor eruptions here and there.
In the year 1989, Maniacs and Insanes began to have more conflict mainly just Spanish Cobras and Latin Disciples. This was foreshadowing of the major conflict that was soon to come.
In 1991, the conflicts became more frequent between Maniacs and Insanes and the acts became increasingly violent, however, they were still followed up peaceful resolutions as had been done in the past.
In the year 1992, the conflict frequency and severity increased yet again and now it became time for the north side Hispanic Folk nations to agree to disagree. As I said Maniac and Insane was nothing new, it was implemented in 1979 but no one represented it to the fullest not even the nations that created it. Now Maniac and Insane was law and Maniacs expected their organizations to represent Maniac before their own names but this wasn’t always followed by fellow Maniacs. Those that were already Maniac now were identified openly as Maniacs such as: Latin Jivers, Latin Lovers, YLO Disciples, Latin Stylers, Maniac Campbell Boys and Milwaukee Kings. This meant that all gangs bound to Maniac had to be prepared to help other Maniac organizations take up arms against Maniacs and any others not aligned with Insane.
Between the years 1992 and 1994 flare ups and temporary wars continued but could be smoothed over as before, however, the time period between peaceful periods became much shorter and hard feelings settled in more. In many areas Insanes, Maniacs and Almighties didn’t even hang out with each other anymore.
In 1994, the Spanish Cobras gunned down a member of the Maniac Latin Disciples which caused a temporary war and further strained the relationship between Maniacs and Insanes to the point where they hated each other, however, permanent war was not yet unleashed.
In the year 1995, a massive disagreement that involved shootings happened between Latin Lovers and MLDs, this caused the Latin Lovers to leave the Maniacs and switch to Insane. The Latin Jivers joined alongside the Lovers and became Insane as well for about 1 year. The Milwaukee Kings broke away from Maniac as well and the MLDs declared war on all their former allies. The Maniacs gained now new allies to replace those that were lost but didn’t feel the need to gain any new ones.
In 1996, after the Valentine’s day shootings between the Maniac Latin Disciples and Spanish Cobras the feelings grew increasingly hardened between Insanes and Maniacs to the point it was a miracle they were still not in full scale permanent war yet, however, the back and forth violent and frequency made it seem like there was no peace. At this point periods of peace were far less frequent and weak than periods of war.
In 1997, the war became permanent after more murders occurred. There was one last attempt at peace in 1999 but after Maniac Latin Disciples started shooting their own members at a peaceful meetup there were no more attempts at peace and Insanes and Maniacs and Almighties hate each other as much as People Nation gangs.
People Nation
In April 1978, Black Gangster Disciple leader Larry Hoover organized a work stoppage among prisoners in Stateville prison. The reason for the stoppage was prisoners being served rotten food and overall being treated poorly. Most prisoners agreed with Larry Hoover even his rivals were on board. In the aftermath of the protest, Larry Hoover, the Black Gangster Disciples and their allies began to form an unofficial brotherhood behind bars. By 1979, this brotherhood now had a name called “Folks.” In 1980, this Folks brotherhood became official and was organized behind bars which caused issues for groups outside of this circle. Gangs within the Folks could now team up against the others. This brought Latin Kings, El Rukns, Black P Stones and Vice Lords together in their own loose coalition.
In 1981, the Folk alliance was to be spread to the streets and this is what prompted the allies against or not within Folks to make their own coalition official. The El Rukns were front runners of this new coalition in collaboration with Jeff Fort of the El Rukns. The El Rukns invited Black P Stones, Mickey Cobras, Vice Lords and Latin Kings to a get together/celebration in “The Fort” which was the headquarters of the El Rukns. The alliance was established at this meeting and Islamic doctrines were blended with Christianity beliefs to form the “People” alliance. The People alliance had a spiritual aspect to it.
The People Nation alliance has quite a bit less gangs so they made up for it by keeping their alliance tight all throughout the 1980s while the Folk Nation gangs started to engage in more Folk on Folk violence by the late 1980s in certain parts of the city. There were only small disagreements and skirmishes that the Latin Kings were involved in against the Insane Deuces, Latin Counts, Puerto Rican Stones and Ghetto Brothers Organization; however, the gangs were at peace the vast majority of the time until war broke out with Insane Deuces in 1989 that would never end. In 1990, war would break out between Latin Kings and Ghetto Brothers Organization.
By 1991, the Latin Kings were at war with the Latin Counts and as the decade progressed the Latin Kings were at war with many other People Nation gangs. Factions of Black P Stones, Vice Lords and Mickey Cobras began engaging in wars in certain parts of the city. Bishops and Latin Counts went into a bloody war in 1996 and eventually the People Nation became as fractured as the Folk Nation.
Below is a original complete list that I know of for the organizations that joined People in 1981:
Arch Dukes
Black P Stones
Cullerton Deuces (Flipped to Folks in 1994)
El Rukns
Four Corner Hustlers (also declared part of Vice Lord nation while incarcerated)
Ghetto Brothers Organization/Yates Boys Organization
Insane Deuces (flipped to Folks in 1992)
Insane Popes (South Side)
Insane Unknowns
Latin Brothers
Latin Counts
Latin Dragons (Flipped to Folks in 1997)
Latin Kings
Mickey Cobras
Morgan Deuces
Noble Knights
Puerto Rican Future Stones
Puerto Rican Stones
Spanish Lords
Spanish Vice Lords
Twelfth Street Players
Uptown Rebels
Vice Lords
Villa Lobos

Royal Pope Nation
Symbols | RPN |
Active period | – ? |
Allied gangs |
Simon City Royals —
or later
Insane Popes (North side) — – or later |
After the WPO alliance broke apart in 1975 certain factions of the Simon City Royals and certain factions of the Insane Popes created the Royal Pope alliance. This led up to each gang joining the Folk alliance in 1978; however, certain group of Insane Popes would not identify with the Folks on the streets.

SGD / La Tabla
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs |
? –
or later
— ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — ? – or later — – c. — – c. — ? – ? |
Spanish Gangster Disciple and/or Spanish Growth and Development was developed out of multiple unities that happened over time between Hispanic street gangs on the north side, west side and south side of Chicago beginning in the year 1966.
In the year 1966, the Black Disciples from the Cabrini Green public housing projects connected with a group of mostly Puerto Rican youths from the East Humboldt Park neighborhood at the intersection of Rockwell and Potomac. The Black Disciples sponsored these Puerto Rican youths into the Black Disciple alliance giving them the last name of “Disciple,” which created the “Latin Disciples.” From this day forward the Black Disciples and Latin Disciples were unified under the Disciple alliance.
In the year 1973, the Supreme Gangsters (part of the Black Gangster Disciple nation) called upon white and Hispanic gangs to connect with over weapons sales and to take out hits (assassinations) for each other. This was done so each organization had alibis at the time of the assassinations and the police would be confused on why someone of another race was taking out an individual from a different race group. The Gangsters summoned the Simon City Royals, Ambrose and the Ashland Vikings to do this business with and this brought these organizations close to the Gangsters.
In the year 1976, the Latin Disciples (or known now as Maniac Latin Disciples) and the Spanish Cobras created a unity on the streets known as the Young Latino Organization (YLO) which was adopted from Young Lord influence and it tied both organizations together.
In the year 1978, YLO united with the Imperial Gangsters and the Latin Eagles to create the United Latino Organization which bound these 4 gangs into a governing alliance. In that same year of 1978, the ULO gangs all joined the Folk alliance in the prison system alongside the Black Gangster Disciple nation bringing them close to Ambrose, Ashland Vikings and Simon City Royals. Other organizations to join the Folks in 1978 were: Satan Disciples, Two Six and Insane Popes.
In the year 1980, a Maniac Latin Disciple and an Imperial Gangster created a new governing body for the “Latin Folks” which would govern all Hispanic Folk alliance gangs. Maniac Latin Disciple Victor “King Vic” Gomez and Imperial Gangster Ronnie “Mad Dog” Carrasquillo created this concept that they called “Spanish Gangster Disciple.” This was not a gang but instead a governing body for Latin Folks and some new organizations that were just brought into the Folk alliance. The Harrison Gents, Two Two Boys, Latin Lovers, Latin Jivers, Milwaukee Kings, Orquestra Albany were new additions to Folk/SGD in 1980. This is the story of how the Folk alliance expanded in prison then a year later Folk and People concepts ended up on the streets and that’s when the Spanish Gangster Disciple gang ended up at the intersection of 87th and Houston in Chicago’s South Chicago neighborhood.
At some point, Leureano “Shakey” Ramos, the Milwaukee King leader and founder saved the leader of the Black Gangster Disciples, Larry Hoover’s life in prison which got him much respect within the Folk alliance. King Vic had been the head of SGD since he helped create it but not Larry Hoover placed Shakey in charge of SGD as Larry Hoover had governing power over the SGDs due to them being sponsored by the BGDs and being given permission to create this organization. Shakey was said to be a brutal and feared ruler until he was released from prison.
in the year 1989, SGD was now fully backed and supported by the Chicago Outfit as business opportunity could arise out of Folk unity for the Mafia. The Latin Disciples sat at the head of La Tabla by now and this allowed them to try to dominate other Folk gangs like the Spanish Cobras. When gangs filed a grievance with SGD about the Latin Disciples it would get shot down. Over time, many gang disputes were not worked out on La Tabla which led to hate and bitter feelings that escalated into war. SGD ended in June of 1999 when Maniac Latin Disciples killed a fellow MLD at a peace conference between Insanes and Maniacs. The Chicago Outfit then withdrew from SGD support and pretty much all support with Chicago street gangs.
United Five Organization
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs |
C-Notes —
Gaylords — c. – c. Playboys, Ventures, Pulaski Park, Rice Boys — – Taylor Jousters — c. – c. Hell's Devils — – c. |
In the year 1973, Gaylords, C-Notes, and P.V.P created the “United Five Organization” as a brotherhood so they could fight side by side against the many Puerto Rican gangs that were rising up in the neighborhoods. The UFO was hoping to recruit Chi-West but it never happened officially. These gangs were all part of the W.P.O alliance but that was not a brotherhood only more like a cease fire between the white gangs, the U.F.O was more like a brotherhood so they could fight as “all for one.” U.F.O wore white arm bands to signify their allegiance as they would swarm sometimes 100 deep with guys from all clubs battling common enemies. These white gangs were mainly focused on fighting Hispanic and black gangs at first but then focused on fighting Simon City Royals and Insane Popes as well by 1975 when the W.P.O broke up due to the Gaylords going to war with Popes and Royals. In 1975 the U.F.O took in the Hell’s Devils and Taylor Jousters. The Hell’s Devils joined in 1975 bringing about the UFO II, then in 1978 the White Knights joined and there was hopes for the Freaks to join but that never became official. The new name of the alliance was “United Fighting Organization” because now there were more than five gangs in the alliance and was UFO III. The unity disbanded when Gaylords and C-Notes went to war in 1982, then C-Notes went to war with all the other U.F.O clubs.

United Latino Organization
Symbols | Pitchfork and ULO |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs |
Spanish Cobras —
Maniac Latin Disciples — – Imperial Gangsters — – c. Latin Eagles — – |
In the year 1978 in certain parts of the city, mainly West Town area, Spanish Cobras, Maniac Latin Disciples, Imperial Gangsters and Latin Eagles came together to form the United Latino Organization. This was the same year all four of these groups joined the Folk alliance. This united groups would last through the 1980s but seemed to disband in the later 1990s after all these groups went to war with each other. There was also a ULO group on the south side in the K-Town area of Little Village but I don’t know much about that group.

United Neighborhoods
Symbols | Give info |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs | Give info |
In the year 1969, the Warlords, Latin Kings, Spanish Lords and some other Puerto Rican gangs from Wicker Park came together to reach an understanding that they would not war against any fellow Puerto Rican gangs. They would focus all their conflict with white greaser gangs that were brutally attacking Puerto Rican youths on the streets. The United Neighborhoods opposed Chi-West, Gaylords, Taylor Jousters and C-Notesalong with other various white greaser gangs.
In the year 1974, the United Neighborhoods added the Unknowns into their alliance, a year later the Unknowns would change their name to the Insane Unknowns.
In the year 1977, the United Neighborhoods took in the YBO/GBO, then in 1979 the UN added the Latin Kings from West Humboldt Park.
The United Neighborhoods stood strong even after the People Nation alliance seemed to replace it in the 1980s. In 1992, the United Neighborhoods collapsed after Latin Kings went to war with Spanish Lords and Insane Unknowns, by this time YBO/GBO went extinct.
White Power Organization
Symbols | WPO |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs | Give info |
In the year 1971, the most powerful white gangs on the northern part of Chicago called a truce as they agreed that too many Puerto Rican gangs were growing larger in their neighborhoods. White gangs were also upset about their neighborhoods becoming ran down and full of drugs, the Puerto Ricans were blamed for this. The alliance was known as the “White Power Organization,” The alliance ended in 1975 when Gaylords went to war with Simon City Royals and Insane Popes.

Young Latino Organization
Symbols | YLO, Pitchfork, Monk, Cobra, Diamond, and 3 Dots |
Symbol usage | Diamond with three dots |
Active period | – |
Allied gangs |
Spanish Cobras —
Maniac Latin Disciples — – |
YLO was originally created by the Young Lords in 1970. When Young Lords began to disband in the mid-1970s some members relocated to the Logan Square and West Humboldt Park neighborhoods where they cliqued up with Spanish Cobras and Maniac Latin Disciples. The Young Lords then assimilated with the Disciples and Cobras in 1976. In the year 1976, the Spanish Cobras and Latin Disciples drew up this official alliance in order to team up and fight against Latin Kings and UFO allied gangs. The alliance was known as “Young Latino Organization.” In 1978 YLO continued as a training camp for young future Cobras and Disciples, in 1979 they took the YLO name to create their own gang called the “YLO Cobra Disciples.” In 1980 the gang split in two that consisted of the YLO Cobras and YLO Disciples that still exist presently.