Traveling Vice Lords
Traveling Vice Lords

Traveling Vice Lords

Founded Founded c. 1964
Affiliations People Nation — c. 1981 – 2000 or later;
Colors Give details
Primary ethnicities African American
Symbols Give details
Status Active

The Traveling Vice Lords got their start in the year 1964 when the Vice Lords broke up into factions.  These Vice Lords were started by “Ugly Frank” and were more of an East Garfield Park group and perhaps this is where they were founded.  I don’t know what happened to Ugly Frank but by the very early 1970s he was no longer the leader and instead Neal “King Neal” Wallace was in charge and became the first well-known leader of the organization.  Some have regarded Wallace as the founder, but he was not the founder, maybe a co-founder but not the founder.

In the year 1970, Travelers got more aggressive about expansion as they moved into the Austin neighborhood and began flipping members of the Unknown Vice Lords into TVLs.  TVLs rooted themselves further by combining concepts with some Cicero Vice Lords to create the “Cicero Traveling Vice Lords” which was led by Isaac Adams which you can say he was the founder.  Shortly after Adams founded the CTVLs he was charged with the murder of a Cicero Police Lieutenant’s son in June of 1970, this possibly is what killed off the CTVLs because I have heard nothing more about this faction.

Traveling Vice Lords became a rising star among the Vice Lord factions and became perhaps one of the top three largest factions or perhaps the third largest faction.  In 1970, TVLs took over a good part of West Garfield Park and now were very much present on almost all the west side neighborhoods.

In the 1970s, TVLs rooted themselves very well in the projects on the west side of Chicago as they took up residence in the Henry Horner housing projects and the ABLA housing projects.  TVLs also became strong in the Rockwell Gardens as they joined other Vice Lord factions in those buildings.

In the year 1983, King Neal passed away but the TVLs only grew stronger in the 1980s as they settled on the south side of Chicago in the Altgeld Gardens projects in the Riverdale neighborhood and in the Roseland neighborhood (Wild Hundreds).

TVLs were very flexible and could easily move about the city or into other states if needed.  TVLs could establish alliances and set up business relationships with other factions or organizations if needed but would kill very quickly if any organizations were ready for war.  In the public housing projects on the west side TVLs set up very strong drug operations and gunned down opposition that threatened these strong operations, this brought many violent gangs wars in these buildings.

Flournoy and California was TVL’s biggest operation as by the 1990s they were pushing $5,000 to $30,000 a day in drug sales.  Andrew “Bay Bay” Patterson was directly supervising this section until it was raided in 1995 after an undercover dirty cop helped bring it down.  Patterson and several others were convicted of drug conspiracy.

TVLs became so large they spread into other states as they opened large operations in cities like Memphis and North Carolina.

Some breakaway groups of the Travelers include the Maniac Traveling Vice Lords and the Outlaw Lunatic Traveling Vice Lords, but these groups were not formed until the 2000s decade which is not my field of research as it is beyond the year 1999.  The Maniac TVLs and OLTVLs have since ceased operations.

TVLs have had an ongoing violent war with Conservative Vice Lords.

Known decks of Vice Lords past and present:

Austin neighborhood, established 1967

Decks of Austin

Wabansia & Long

Lemoyne & Cicero

Traveling Vice Lords and Conservative Vice Lords-Monroe & Central

Traveling Vice Lords and Conservative Vice Lords-Quincy & Central

Wabansia & Cicero

Wabansia & Long

Augusta & Kilpatrick

Calumet Heights neighborhood

Decks of Calumet Heights

Traveling Vice Lords-91st & Colfax

East Garfield Park neighborhood, established 1960

Decks of East Garfield Park

Madison to Jackson, Rockwell to Campbell partially in Near West Side

Harrison to Lexington, Central Park Ave to Spaulding

Harrison to Flournoy, Sacramento to Francisco (Harrison Courts projects, Harrison Boys)

Harrison to Polk, California to Western

Harrison & Sacramento (Harrison Courts projects, Harrison Boys)

Lexington from California to Francisco (Harrison Courts projects)

Central from Harrison to Congress

Central Park Ave from Harrison to Congress

Albany from Taylor to Harrison

Morgan Park neighborhood

Decks of Morgan Park

104th & Racine

Near West Side neighborhood, Established 1960-present years

Decks of the Near West Side

Jackson to Van Buren, Western to Oakley (St. Stephens)

Madison to Jackson, Rockwell to Campbell partially in East Garfield Park

Lexington & Campbell

Jackson & Campbell (Rockwell Gardens projects, shared with Conservative Vice Lords, Renegade Vice Lords and Four Corner Hustlers)

Madison & Rockwell (Rockwell Gardens projects, shared with Conservative Vice Lords, Renegade Vice Lords and Four Corner Hustlers)

North Lawndale neighborhood, Established 1958-present years

Decks of North Lawndale

Filmore to Roosevelt, Troy to Sacramento (Straight out of Albany, Douglas Park)

Roosevelt to Ogden, California to Rockwell (Trav Land)

Filmore & Homan

Albany & Roosevelt

Grenshaw & Central Park Ave (CPG)

California from Polk to Flournoy

(Former Outlaw Lunatic Traveling Vice Lord territory)-18th & Hamlin

Kedzie from Ogden to 19th

Riverdale neighborhood, Established 1979-present years

Decks of Riverdale

Conservative Vice Lords and Traveling Vice Lords-130th to 133rd, Langley to Corliss (Altgeld Gardens projects) Established 1979-present years

Roseland neighborhood, Established 1979-present years

Decks of Roseland

112th to 113th, Perry to State (DBC)

107th & Normal

113th from Edbrooke to Indiana (Palmer Park)

Uptown neighborhood Established 1969-present years

Decks of Uptown

Conservative Vice Lords-Winsor & Hazel (shared with Four Corner Hustlers)

Conservative Vice Lords and Traveling Vice Lords-Leland & Magnolia

Traveling Vice Lords- Leland & Magnolia (Shared with Conservative Vice Lords) 90s-present years

West Garfield Park neighborhood Established 1964-present years

Decks of West Garfield Park

Traveling Vice Lords-Madison & Springfield

West Humboldt Park neighborhood Established 1976-present years

Decks of West Humboldt Park

Augusta & Kilpatrick

Chicago Ave & St.Louis

Chicago Ave & Trumbull

Chicago Ave & Lawndale (TUC, Traveling Unknown Conservative Vice Lord City)

Ohio & Kedzie

Augusta to Chicago, Kolmar to Kostner

Augusta to Iowa, St. Louis to Homan

Chicago to Franklin, St. Louis to Homan (Demon side)





Maywood Established 1980
