Two Ones Paulina Street
Two Ones Paulina Street

Two Ones Paulina Street

Founded Founded
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The Two Ones started at the intersection of 21st Street and Paulina in the Heart of Chicago section of the Lower West Side neighborhood, hence, where they get the “Two One” in their name after 21st Street.  The founder of the Two Ones was “Champ” and he led the Two Ones for quite some time.  The Two Ones started in the year 1970 which was the same year many new groups started in the Pilsen area.  The original Two One colors were grey and white.  The Two Ones formed not far from the Satan Disciples; however, there was no conflict instead Two Ones battled groups like Latin Kings, Stone Kents, Cullerton Dueces and Bishops.

When Folks and Peoples began on the streets in 1981 the Two Ones remained neutral and opted not to join either alliance. This group was not much of a gang but instead more of a crew but were some really tough individuals. The Two Ones of 21st and Paulina were biggest in the 70s but by the early 80s members were already moving on from gang type of life. By the mid-1980s these Two Ones were no longer active, and the Two Ones by Western Avenue took the reigns and the main Two Ones everyone would know but there is no link between the two groups.

Known sections of the Two Ones from the past

Heart if Chicago neighborhood Established 1970-1986

Sections of Heart of Chicago

21st & Paulina Established 1970-1986