Look at this here. They mention a “Serious split” within the Imperial Champlains and they mentioned one of the breakaway groups is the “Vice Lords.” This was the year the Vice Lords were really starting to get big and branch out, social workers probably just thought the Vice Lords was a renegade group of Champlains. We all know the Vice Lords were born out of the Champlains and Clovers so this was the earliest days of the revolution of the Vice Lords. The Cobras mentioned I believe talks about Egyptian Cobras. Interesting how they said the west side Cobras they were working with are claiming to have a south side branch and it was written off as probably false, however, it wasn’t false, the Cobras settled in Fuller Park and Grand Boulevard but those Cobras apparently never checked in at a youth center.
Look at this here. They mention a “Serious split” within the Imperial Champlains and they mentioned one of the breakaway groups is the “Vice Lords.” This was the year the Vice Lords were really starting to get big and branch out, social workers probably just thought the Vice Lords was a renegade group of Champlains. We all know the Vice Lords were born out of the Champlains and Clovers so this was the earliest days of the revolution of the Vice Lords. The Cobras mentioned I believe talks about Egyptian Cobras. Interesting how they said the west side Cobras they were working with are claiming to have a south side branch and it was written off as probably false, however, it wasn’t false, the Cobras settled in Fuller Park and Grand Boulevard but those Cobras apparently never checked in at a youth center.