Good day Chicago area and the whole world!  I finally am installing an updates page that is sorely needed.  I am going to do my best to keep this page updated every single time I change a history, add new pics etc…I realize it can be hard to keep up with my constant changes I make.  I have made so many since 2016 and have made tons of changes in 2024 alone.  I uploaded hundreds of pics and changed so many histories that were flawed.  Once again, please be patient if I put up the wrong history, don’t flip out and curse me out and send me nasty emails.  Keep calm, take a deep breath, and email me civily and we can work it out.  Believe me, I want the most accurate histories I can but the research methods for Chicago gangs involves putting up anything I can find and waiting for someone to say it is wrong or not. It sucks but it is the only way.  This street knowledge not text from history books, this is difficult as hell to research and report on accurately.  Please understand, even the most knowledgable OGs out there don’t know the whole city, it is physically impossible!

As of today, August 28, 2024, pic updates and new page updates are stagnanted right now.  The reason why I had to put a freeze on that is because the site became overloaded with too much media.  I have a limited budget, very limited, as I am a working stiff like everyone else.  I’ve been on TV multiple times for gang documentaries but that pays a salary of $0.00 a year.  Given that, I don’t have the money to keep up with the site, I rely on a good friend but he is swamped right now but intends to update the site once he is able to but it could take months!  If you sent me pics in recent months and I haven’t posted, that is why because I don’t want to break the site and have it go down for months.  I am fully able to update the text on my pages; therefore, I can update away on history.  If you have any history to add for the pages please contact me at Chicagoganghistory@protonmail.com.  DO NOT contact me for any sales offers to administer my site!  I can tell you right now, I can’t afford any of y’all!

Check me out and other street historians and former members of clubs on the Facebook Group “Compliments of:Da REAL OGs.”  We share much history and pictures from the past!

Don’t completely rely on this page for 100% of updates, my goal is to document each time I update but sometimes I may forget so keep checking the pages!

Now onto the updates!

2/12/25 – Oh, where to begin…As many of you have seen there were major tech and connection issues from December through January as me and my IT guy struggled to keep this site afloat. It has come to be that I have written too much and posted too many pictures over time and the site’s memory has become overburdened. This is usually when website owners have to pay more money to keep their sites going. Being a non-profit site and only generating minimum revenue from ads makes it hard to keep this beast of a site afloat within a certain budget. I am not even close to a wealthy or well-off guy so I can’t afford to pay more money, so my IT guy has been working very hard to condense it into less memory storage units. The good news is I had lots of time to create a Rockford, Illinois gang page that has been live a few weeks. Apologies for not announcing anything until today but I got frustrated posting stuff and then it crashes. I am slowly testing the stability by slowly adding a picture of two here and there and a few new pages. We also maybe launching a whole new layout in the near future and this site may not only become legendary for the gang info but also may because a SEO giant and revolution for SEO builds! This also means I will be able to add more content than ever, and this site may become a bigger juggernaut. In the meantime, enjoy my Rockford page and keep watching for updates because I haven’t always had the time to update this page, but I hope to keep it consistent as long as the integrity of the site holds up. I am also announcing I am no longer writing in the factual style like a textbook or like a conventional gang site. I am shedding a degree of professionalism and going to start talking to you like a normal person with cuss words some street slang which will show you more of my personality. I got sick of You Tubers and Facebook gang groups using my histories with ZERO credit given to me! I don’t ask for much and can be sharing and giving but if someone takes my histories and puts in word for word in their name while getting the credit that is bullshit. It takes 2 seconds to easily cite me as a source or just mention my name or site, then we are good, just like you would when writing a book. I don’t expect fancy citations lol, hell, I suck as citing, I just want the world to know where you got your info from, simple, just don’t try to overwrite my existence. If you do, the people of Chicago will know, and I have seen more people calling it out, you don’t want to look silly, and of course I don’t want to have to resort to any legal recourse. It is easy to use my info, just cite it like a book!

9/12/24 – I had to update my Addison page again!  Got more info and needed more heavy detail, worth re-reading!  I also update the Los Be Be Stone page.  Oh man, there were type Os and repetitive paragraph, I also added tons more detailed to their mob history, check it out!

9/9/24 – Villa Park surburb is updated yet again.  I forgot all about some apartments and I got more specific info and I fixed some embarassing type Os!

8/29/24 – I got so much more detailed history on Villa Park and have given the page a whole new makeover! Also, my Los Bebe Stones page has some small changes about founding years of certain suburbs and about their Villa Park chapter and a fix on some grammatical errors I missed.

Have you checked out pages for West Town neighborhoods like East Village, Noble Square, Wicker Park, East Humboldt Park lately?  Like in the past few months?  If not, I did a huge makeover of the histories and the sections.

West Humboldt Park page got a makeover too a few months back, check it out!

Gage Park and Gage Park Latin King history was updated not long ago on the Latin King page and on the Gage Park page about them coming from the Devious Ones, check it out!

8/28/24 – Bensenville page was just updated!  I changed so much, you gotta check it out!  

August 2024 – My Milwaukee Kings page got a big update on the story of the founder, “Shakey.”  Thanks to a key YouTube video, I was able to piece more of this story together, check it out!

August 2024 – My Gangster Stones page was updated earlier this month, got a whole new makeover, it was quite off before.

August 2024 – My Pullman page got a big update, that coincides with my Gangster Stone knowledge.

August 2024 – The Boss Pimps page got a big update, check out the new history!

August 2024 – On my Vice Lord page, I updated the Renegade Vice Lords section, check it out!

August 2024 – It appears I was quite off about Jeffrey Manor, Trumbull projects in South Deering, white flight happened sooner and GDs showed up much sooner!  Check out my updated South Deering page!

August 2024 – Did you know Latin Counts were in Little Village in the early 60s?  Did you also know they were in Rockford in the early 60s?  Check out the updated Latin Count page for more details!

A few months ago, my Latin King page got a huge update!   This is a must see!  The early history and some of the later history got a major update and new pics of the founder were added!

A month or so ago my Folk and People knowledge expanded and the Folk alliance page, People alliance page and my write up on “The Meaning of Folks and People” was updated!

A few months back I got more founding history on the Gangster Disciples/Black Disciples from the 1950s!  Check it out!

If you haven’t seen yet, much earlier in the year I got the real early history on the Almighty Imperial Gangsters, exlusive stuff not found anywhere else on the net, I spoke to foundation about this!

A few months back I updated the Northside Insane Popes page because I got more founding history, check it out!