Laflin Lovers
Laflin Lovers

Laflin Lovers

Founded Founded in or near Pilsen (Lower West Side)
Founding story

Founded in the Pilsen section of the Lower West Side neighborhood near 18th and Laflin

Affiliations People Nation — c. 1981 – give;
Colors Red and Yellow
Primary ethnicities Latino (Mexican)
Symbols Heart and Knight's Helmet
Status Extinct

I do not know very much about these guys but I do know they came from the intersections of 17th Street to 18th Street and Laflin in the Pilsen section of the Lower West Side neighborhood.  I know they started in the year 1975 and were put together by D.A. as the founder and became allies with the Bishops, Latin Brothers and Racine Boys. The Laflin Lovers had a very tight alliance with the Latin Counts of 18th and Loomis and 18th and Ashland, and the Lovers were allies with the Latin Brothers of 18th and Ashland as well and the Bishops of 18th and Bishop.  The Laflin Lovers were basically sandwiched between two Latin Count hoods, a Bishop hood and a Latin Brother hood on 18th Street.  The closest rival was Ambrose on 18th and Throop right down the street; the Lovers also hated the Satan Disciples from down 18th Street to the west.  The Laflin Lovers also joined their allies the Latin Counts in their fight against the Latin Kings.  In the year 1981 it was an easy decision for the Laflin Lovers to join the People Nation alongside their close allies.  One of the big time original members of the Laflin Lovers was Jaime Guttierrez who was a big time drug dealer and was killed in a 1982 robbery.  The Laflin Lovers continued until the mid 1990s then disbanded, D.A. was the leader the entire 20 or so years the Laflin Lovers existed.

Please send in 1990s, 1980s, 1970s

Known sections of the Laflin Lovers of the past

Pilsen neighborhood Established 1975-mid 90s

Sections of Pilsen

Laflin from 17th to 18th Established 1975-mid 90s